I believe we need to clean up the "pro" fighter thing on the UG/OG because of how some "pro" fighters get away with a lot cause of their green name.
#1 if you haven't actively been fighting within the last 2 years (barring major injury), you are not a professional fighter.
#2 if you have fought 1-3 times 10 years ago then never again, you are not a professional fighter.
This isn't bashing but you cannot just "Step into the cage" once and be called a "pro" fighter for life on the UG. This is 2011 with a lot of real active professional fighters trying to make it, not 2001.
It will also help new members on the forums spot out the real pro's from the "I fought 1 time back in 1998" pro's.
Any other suggestions for streamlining the pro's on this forum?
Maybe give the non professional fighters that don't fight a different retired color?
Always should be exceptions though for people who were influential to the sport.
^^doesn't even train just posts, so you aren't relevant to this discussion.
Your not a pro fighter but u have an argument
You don't get a vote yet.
Someone needs to let Royce Gracie know that by this genius's plans he's not a pro fighter and doesn't deserve a green name here.
I think if you have fought at all you get a green name BUT this is a Internet forum and if a green namer gets into a discussion where things get going they do not get a free pass.!!
Fuck all that but you wouldn't say it to there face crap, it's the Internet on a fucking forum.!!
If you post on the thread or start something you should expect something in return..
Did someone get banned for calling a green namer Short.?? If so that's ridiculous.!!
From: Ice Cubes on Kiriks Nipples
Member Since: 6/23/11
My vote is that we keep all green namers and instead get rid of the new trolls.
It just gets confusing is all, if youre not making an income steady and actively fighting you are not a professional fighter, period.
OBVIOUSLY fighters like Royce and the rest are the exception like I said above lol.
I've never really seen a fighter "get away" with anything
If you are 1/1/01, MMA has passed you by | Ice Cubes on Kiriks Nipples | UnderGround Forum | 7 minutes ago PosterboyOwnsMe4 |
20 | 933 |
do you even trane, bro?
Thanks Zed, I'm glad I contributed twice today to the UG, just trying to help people is all
Baroquen Record - do you even trane, bro?
I've had 1 fight, give me a green name now!!!!!!!
Ice Cubes on Kiriks Nipples - It just gets confusing is all, if youre not making an income steady and actively fighting you are not a professional fighter, period.
OBVIOUSLY fighters like Royce and the rest are the exception like I said above lol.
Shut up
my vote is for mandatory Blue Name to create threads/post
PTSandman - I've had 1 fight, give me a green name now!!!!!!!Yours would be a toy green name, of course.
green name requirements should stay the way they are.
mud names should keep their opinions on green names to themselves.
CDO - They will never change the extremely low requirements for a green name because they are directly correlated to Kirik's "fight" accomplishments. His ego will not allow him to loose his green name status.
Except Kirik never posts under his green name...
Zedlepln -PTSandman - I've had 1 fight, give me a green name now!!!!!!!Yours would be a toy green name, of course.
Does it spin? If it does, I'm sold.