Pudzian: "I WANT LESNAR!"

 LOL, I'd say it's too early.

Who is that?

He IS physically stronger than Lesnar.

It is a bit too early but give Pudz 6 months and throw him with Brock (same skill level even though I think Brock should beat him)

He's nowhere the speed of Lesnar...

Brock might need to time to recover.

GC111 - He's nowhere the speed of Lesnar...

Still unclear - but definitely same skill-level (Lesnar isn't exactly skilled just a big strong guy)

Brock would finish him standing

Since when is wrestling not a skill?

Lesnar would make his face looks like an old catcher's mitt.

LMFAO...He wouldn't last 40 seconds.

LOL ive read several of these threads and most people are SERIOUSLY underestimating the athleticism of strong man athletes... theyre not poag bodybuilders, those guys can move out!!

BUT Im sure he isn getting anywhere near the level of training Lesner is/had. Lesner win due to experience, its gonna be a long time if impossible for Pudz to compete with that

mmasam - 
GC111 - He's nowhere the speed of Lesnar...

Still unclear - but definitely same skill-level (Lesnar isn't exactly skilled just a big strong guy)

Yeah Lesnar has no collegiate wrestling credentials whatsoever. He's just a big strong guy from the WWE.

mmasam - 
GC111 - He's nowhere the speed of Lesnar...

Still unclear - but definitely same skill-level (Lesnar isn't exactly skilled just a big strong guy)

If you're not trolling with that comment you're retarded.


I think Pudz is mad strong and helluva athlete, but Lesnar would whoop him something fierce.

Yeah I don't think Lesnar's wrestling accolades really have done much for his success. He's just good because he's big and strong.. and Pudz is bigger and stronger.

Pudz in 2nd round via gorilla press body slam.

"Still unclear - but definitely same skill-level (Lesnar isn't exactly skilled just a big strong guy) "

LMFAO..I hope you are not trolling...for the forums comedic benefit. You should do some research on the man's credentials.

Since when has being a great athlete/strongman equated to being able to stop a takedown from an NCAA champion who has been wrestling his whole life?

That fight would be comical.

I honestly think Brock would KO Marius standing just to prove a point

"I want that guy with the debilitating intenstinal disorder"

I maybe wong but I thought I read that Pudz was a fairly highly ranked judo belt

I'd also bet he pisses hotter than any athlete ever