Pulled a lat muscle. AHHHHHH!!!

Darn it. I havent hurt myself in the gym in 5 plus years.

Pulled my left Lat muscle Deadlifting yesterday. Thought i tore it but its only a little stiff today. No swelling or bruising.

I had an hour to kill before a client came in and i decided to poke around the gym. I'll do a few sets of deadlifts and then some Over head press. Day went like this:


135 x 5

185 x 5

225 x 5

315 x 1

365 x 1

405 x AHHHHHH!!!!!!

365 felt good. 405...not so good. I got it 3 inches off the ground and i felt a tearing/shaking felling in my left lat right up at the armpit. I dropped it fast. Thats a good thing about deadlifts. If you miss its not going to kill you.

But one would think your lower back would pull before you lats. Well, i got at least 2 weeks of no upper body. Darn it. But it is feeling better already. just a little stiff so its not major.

Pray for me...

That sucks.

I pulled a tarp about 3 years ago doing pull ups on the crossbrace of a smith machine.

It was fucking miserable.

Ice ice ice ice and I also suggest more ice.

If you don't keep your tarps tight, they flap alot when the wind blows. =)

I've got a wicked set of tarps.

My yolk is badass.

its not as bad as it could be. I iced it and its feeling better every day. Still going to be 2 weeks without upper body and i'm sure i'll be a weaker but i'll deal with it. I get to work my legs and cardio for the next 2 weeks.

It happened to me one night when I was camping. I had to run around in the dark, while it was blowing and raining trying to peg it back into the ground. Hit my thumb with the hammer; damn sore the next day!!!

I once tore a tarp right in the middle of a leaf cleanup. Sucked ass and I had to use barrels to clean the rest of the leaves up. I'll never forget that day!

I hate when you pull a tarp...then the rain gets in and everything gets soaked...Sucks!


stop with the tarp. i'm in pain here. LOL

Ok, it turned black and blue 3 days later. WTF? And get this. its on the back of my tricep? thats not even sore. i guess thats where the lat attaches.

You're lucky you haven't been doing Pilates and making your muscles longer or the bruising could have gone all the way down to your hand!

Seriously (all tarp jokes aside) you should definitely have that checked out and cleared. It could be a partial tear. It sounds bad to me.

Better safe then sorry.


ok, i'll get it looked at but it feels minor.

some stuff i'm taking:

Wobenzym, vit. C, Fresh Pinapple, fish oil and topical Arnica gel.

Topical Arnica = good call. You can also take it orally. I would recommend 3000 mg Vit C a day (three equal doses of 1000mg) 1200 I.U. of Vit E (three equal doses of 400 I.U.).

Also Ice Ice baby.

Take care of it so it gets fixed fast.


Maybe you should have done smaller jumps in weight. Something like a 10% of max increase in weight or less each set.

"Get ur ass to a doctor "

i had two nurse friends look at it and they said that i dont have pain or any limited range of motion that its going to be ok. Are they wrong? It does feel better and its only been 6 days. Should i still go.

what say you Akhellius?

Significant bruising not impact related sounds like a partial (at a minimum) tear to me. Worry not so much about the level of pain shorterm, but the potential for inflexible scar tissue development at the origin/insertion site of the muscle as it heals. I'd get it checked to be sure.
Next time get a heavy duty tarp with the reinforced stitching!

I thought Ice was for the first 24 hours, to reduce swelling, then heat to increase blood flow to the area after that...


Or does it depend?

Ice the fuck out of it until it stops hurting.

You can't use ice too long, well you can but I'm talking about using it smartly for days at a time, but you can start heat too soon.