I'd like to do one for motivation, maybe over the course of a couple months. Anyone want in on this? Contests always drive me to be the best i can be, and realistically, i need to get up at like 6 AM to do this, so there you go.
I'm thinking honor system, but i'm hell bent on getting a vid of the final product to post.
If you're interested, what time frame? Two months at least for me to really drive the numbers up. No full pause, just full ROM. Any grip is fine. Total number of reps wins, but knowing me, i'll figure out my max effort too, and who did the most total work, who improved the most, etc.
Right now i'm about 185, and can pull 14 reps. I've never been over 20. It's time.
Well, the rule would be no leaving the bar, or feet down. If you wanted to pause with a hang, i'd be cool for that. Just didn't want people to think they had to do a full pause to count a rep, just the full ROM.
And jesus, i'm sure going up against you would be hell, but i'm willing to give it a shot and hope some other people a little heavier join in haha (except Jeremy...).
When you say 30, do you mean if you did them now with no training, or after a couple months?
Anyway, if you're in, i'll make it official :)
Im up to 16 at 180. I wouldnt mind pushing myself.
I'll be in, i'm at around 22-ish, 185 lbs.
15 pull ups @195 and 47 yo
Oh geez i'm gonna get my ass kicked. I'm the weakest guy in it, lol! Glad to see people want to join in, though.
So let's have September 20th be the final date.
Prob not arms to 180.... for me that would put a bar at about my forehead. I'm gonna shoot for chin over the bar, but i may do this on rings, so we will see.
As far as arms straight, yup, that's what I mean, but yeah sometimes i don't go totally straight to keep the speed high without cracking my elbows at the bottom. If you take a vid, you can be sure I won't be a crazy form nazi, but get it to straight arms or close, and get it to chin up over the bar or jaw even and i'm sure it'd count.
Also, no kip. A light momentum assist with the legs on the last rep or two would be forgivable, but not a true kip.
Leigh - OK sounds good. I will do palms in. When is the deadline?
Bro..... i even bolded it for you. C'mon....
I'll reiterate (in case anyone missed it), any grip is fine, so this isn't strictly a "pullup" contest. Supinated, pronated, neutral, one bar, parallel bars, rings, doesn't matter. I'll be doing either very short chain rings, or parallel bars most likely.
I'll do it
I do palms facing each other, but apparently that's ok
I can do 12 at 220 pounds. I'll probably do the fewest here out of everyone.
If anyone can offer advice for increasing pullups, that would be helpful as I've been stuck on 12 for a while now
I'm in....I'll make dizz look good!
im in. 8 @ 159 lol. this will give me motivation to push myself to get more
+1 for weighted pullups, got me doing 30+ a year or so ago.
When you guys do weighted, do you do enough weight to get, like, 4 reps, or 6-8 reps, or what?
Also, my gym doesn't have a dip belt, which is irritating, because to do weighted it means I have to put the dumbbell in between my legs/feet
I can do 1 full pull up...but i'll enter so I can try to improve.
only leigh could not do pullups for a year and still be able to break 30, lol
11 at 168
Last time i tested max reps it was 14, right now i'm at about 12-13 and i weigh 178lbs.
Funnily enough i recently switched to home workouts with a heavy emphasis on pull ups. I'm i up for the challenge. If i can't do a minimum of 18 by Sep 20 i'll be heavily disappointed...
Pulling out of the contest guys. Broke my ankle tonight playing basketball. No exercise for a while.
I weigh about 180 and can do 6, but I'm in to see how much I can improve.
I do a set of 20 1-2x a month, haven't maxed in ages tho cos it wreaks havoc on my left elbow. (Doing excessive volume/ frequency or intensity). I can currently do about 22+ consecutively with strict controlled form, zero pausing, zero swinging/swaying. WIth some pausing/minor leg assistance, no idea.
Because of my propensity for injury, I'll wait until late august before I turn it up a notch, will enter if I can make good progress.
I'm in. I currently do 3 sets of 8, 2 days a week. No idea of max. I do them on rings bit I will have to get a bar so I'm not behind. 210 lbs.