Q&A with Tim Sylvia

"Sylvia: I get guys running their mouths, hoping I’ll smack them and they can sue me and get paid. But, the majority of public knows I’m 6-8 and 250 pounds, and they know if they mess with me they will get their butt beat, but I do get guys trying to make a little bit of money.

Doesnt he have to cut to make 265lbs?

"MMA Stomping Grounds: Speaking of Internet idiots, what do you think about Kimbo Slice?"

Very tastefully asked question. Shows a high level of journalistic integrity.

andre - "MMA Stomping Grounds: Speaking of Internet idiots, what do you think about Kimbo Slice?"

Very tastefully asked question. Shows a high level of journalistic integrity.

MMA Stomping Grounds comes across as a keyboard dork with that question.

I tend to agree with Deuce here swims upstream Tim IS underrated when he fights for a win, not the bullshit that Tim became after winning the belt. And puts on flamesuit I think he's going to eat Fedor's heart.

BTW, I'm not a Tim Sylvia fan, nor am I Tim Sylvia, LOL.

Thanks for the interview.

 I admit it, I'm a fan of Tim Sylvia. I've rooted for him in all of his fights except Nogueira and Couture and I'll be rooting for him next week.

By the way, I don't think Fedor is 6'. He looks significantly more than 8 inches shorter than Tim, and that's with Tim leaning over. He also looked quite a bit shorter than Trump, who is only 6'2".

I hope Big Tim wins.
