Question about Fight Pass

I got a Fight Pass and I thought I'd only be able to watch the prelims, but for some reason I watched the entire event, including the main card. I didn't pay for the PPV to watch the main card, but I was able to watch it nontheless.

Is this normal? I'm guessing I have access to it, because I live in a shit hole, and they don't even sell the PPV here anyway?

Where do you live? I am moving there. Was $64.95 here in the USA, and everyone I know including me if f'd to tears financially.

Russia. Nobody's got $65 here anyway. The max amount I would've agreed to pay is $5, so I guess they figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

Not normal. 54aud extra here for the main. 

I'm in Japan and the same thing happenned to me. I was looking for where I could buy it but it didn't have anything. I eventually was able to watch everything for free.

Enson Yamato Inoue -

I'm in Japan and the same thing happenned to me. I was looking for where I could buy it but it didn't have anything. I eventually was able to watch everything for free.

UFC says thank you for Japanese MMA :)