Question on Pan Am 2008 Rules

On the rules website it says "leglocks" are illegal at the purple belt level.

Does that include the straight achilles hold? If I recall correctly, that hold used to be legal in the past. Is it now prohibited?

ANY leg attacks are illegal below Brown belt level as far as I understand it. On the upside, wristlocks are apparently legal for purple belt: v=rJXDxx3bmlY&eurl=

serious??? when did that come into effect. is this the cbjj rules? ifbjj rules?

i thought straight foot lock was legal from blue onwards and wristlocks were legal for all belts.

something aint right

By "leg locks" they mean knee bars. Straight ankle locks are legal for blue
and purple. But no figure four toe holds (mata leao with foot), or any
other lower body submission.

Don Whitefield is wrong. rsparks is correct.

Straight achilles locks are and have always been o.k. for all belts.

The rules that say that purple belts and under cannot do kneebars or figure-four toe holds have been around as long as I can remember, but every year purple belts still get DQ'ed because they try to do one or the other.

The smart thing to do is to attend the referee course on Thursday before the Pan Ams so you can learn what all the rules are.



On Thursday, March 27, prior to the Pan Jiu-Jitsu Championship, the IBJJF will be giving a Referee course.

11AM - 1PM
(lunch break)
2PM - 5PM

Fee - 50 dollars

Jiu-Jitsu Progear
4646 Manhattan Beach Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260-2581, US

For more info email to

Thanks for clearing that up, from reading the poorly written rules on the website that was not obvious at all. I have white to purple belts compete this year and they will really appreciate that when they find out!

Okay, thanks. Needless to say, this is important to know. I dont' want to be DQ'd or ignore an attack if one is possible and legal.

tpk, r u saying that a straight footlock is legal for white belts as well??
i thought they could only do the leglock when they have their back taken and people cross their feet.

Separate questions. In regards to properly fitting gis, what does the 'official CBJJ measuring tool' measure? Sleeve length I assume, how close to the wrist does the gi sleeve have to be? Also, from the videos I've seen of pan ams and worlds there seems to be a lot more bowing than any tournament I've been in. Should I expect to bow to the ref and my opponents?

"Thanks for clearing that up, from reading the poorly written rules on the website that was not obvious at all."

What they lack in documentation and overall organization, they make up for in business shrewdness. Charging $50 for a "referee course" to simply learn the rules is brilliant.

why the fuck are the rules about leg locks so ambiguous for below purple belt?? kneebar, toehold and straight anle lock all attack parts of the leg. so a traight ankle lock is a "leg lock" as well. right?

honestly i think they should show illustrations are pictures because everyone has different names for techniques.

"but every year purple belts still get DQ'ed because they try to do one or the other. "

i believe this is also a result of the confusing rules regarding belt levels and leg locks.

why are kneebars illegal for purple and under? its not like a heel hook or toehold that will cause massive damage instantly.