I've seen threads where Ryan G shows that he has an insane amount of MMA knowledge. I have some random questions I'm curious about if you do not mind sir.
Yuri Nakamura was the trainer of the guy in choke, and is the lock flows guy, is that shit catchwrestling or what is their lineage? A lot of just self taught stuff?
Do you agree that Saku is a catch guy or is that BS that Americans say and don't want you to question?
Is there anywhere in the US that you can roll with guys with styles similiar to a lot of the Japanese stars like Saku, Sato, Uno, all the crazy shooto guys that slip out of every sub and pull armbars and leg locks out of nowhere?
Renzo's guys seem to roll similiar to a lot of the Japanese guys, but the Japanese guys don't do normal type BJJ guard passes or high guard, or seem to take their opponents back or attain mount position very often. Does any of this make sense? Could you imagine Saku with side control sliding his knee across the stomach and getting mount? Point is, they roll pretty different.
Any of you trained at a shooto gym? What would they teach you on your first week as a base series of techniques to learn?