R.I.P Bisping


  He prays for you


Going to be Deja Vu all over again

I'd like to see how the Brit forum members spin this in favor of Bisping. I don't even think that they could convince themselves on this one!

Poopyface TomatoNose - I'd like to see how the Brit forum members spin this in favor of Bisping. I don't even think that they could convince themselves on this one!

 You clearly mised the threads from yesterday then, Bisping takes this easy.

Silva is on the decline. Anything is possible. But I think Silva will probably win.

 problem is with this one, if and when bisping gets dropped Wanderlei is going to be all over him, won't be any recovering this time

If that Kang punch dropped Bisping, think of what a punch that Wanderlei throws will do....and then think of Wanderlei swarming him afterwards like in the Jardine fight.

Silva by savere mauling.

Yours sincerely,
A British fan.

Liam Cullen - 

Silva by savere mauling.

Yours sincerely,

A British fan.

 I like your honesty, virtual hug

doest matter who anyone thinks will win they still have to fight .Silvas one of my all time favorites but this is a great matchup Props to both fighters for always taking tough fights

Liam Cullen - Silva by savere mauling.Yours sincerely,
A British fan.

Wow, an unbiased UK MMA fan. I thought you were just a myth.

This is actually a tough fight to call. I believe Bisping has the GLASSIEST of chins. But Wand has exactly the kind of style that could be countered by the 'ol Bisping "hit and run" treatment.

Wand by KO.

Wand only needs to daze him a little and he is like a shark on a drop of blood. I would love to see Wand KO Bisping

If wand lost this (and that's a big if) i'd probably give up on mma !

Veegoh -  

Going to be Deja Vu all over again

it's so fucking funny that this picture is what bisping will be remembered by 20 years from now.

One of my favorite fighters (Wand is top 2 with Saku) against one of my least favorite.

I lost a lot of respect for Bisping for his antics after the Hammil fight. He didn't do much to improve that after the Henderson fight either. He was a little more humble after the Kang fight though.

I still want to see Wand Jardine him.

While Silva is on the decline, the match up stylistically favors Silva.


Bisping is going to get hurt.


"2moves - What has Silva done recently to make you think he can win this? Besides the punching power what else does he have going for him in this fight? Bisping will stick and move stick and move. And jab his way to a victory. He will not make the same mistake as he made with Hendo. And the same people that devised a gameplan for Rampage to beat Silva, you do remember how so many people were saying that Silva was in Rampage's head and there was no way he was going to beat Silva. Are the same people that will be devising a gameplan for Bisping. Silva will be swinging at air all night long, and lose via UD."

big differences in that comparison are that Rampage has a big chin and big power. Two things that are lacking from Bisping's toolkit.

2moves - Bisping will stick and move stick and move. And jab his way to a victory. He will not make the same mistake as he made with Hendo.

He doesn't have to make the same mistake. He can make a whole new set of mistakes. For example, he was dropped in the Kang fight, rocked several times and controlled on the ground throughout RD 1.

I do give him credit for hanging tough, showing great defensive grappling and having the heart to turn it around in the second round. But I'm sick of the "he won't make that mistake again" argument. There's more than one way to get KTFO.