Racist Cartoon?

do you find this clip from south park funny or racist?

brilliantly funny...and definitely not racist at all. its making fun of hackneyed racial stereotypes, if anything. and Randy Marsh is the butt of the joke, not any minority.

Yeah, what Freitas said.

sorry for being a thread-killer.

Brillant, kind of like the joke what do you call a black person who flyes a plane?

Then let the person squirm and say some shit

Answer, a pilot...you fucking racist

horribly unracistly racist.

i've shown this video to many people and my mom was the only one to get the answer right before randy marsh guessed it. lol i guess we all were expecting the worse coming from south park.

i find it TOTALLY racist!

Why does the the brutha always have to be behind the camera!?!?!

shakes head at you people

yeah I cant believe they trusted him with such expensive equipment crazy isnt it

KyokushinCatch - SUBstitude, what do you mean "YOU PEOPLE" that you're shaking your head at.

nah, nah, nah...only jokin'

finally someone paying attention :)