I'm not fighter bashing but fellow UG'er Darth Ryase pointed out how eerily similar Rafael Dos Anjos looks like Boogerlips the troll from Ernest Scared Stupid (which won best picture in 1991)! The resemblance is striking!
All hail Boogerlips!
I'm not fighter bashing but fellow UG'er Darth Ryase pointed out how eerily similar Rafael Dos Anjos looks like Boogerlips the troll from Ernest Scared Stupid (which won best picture in 1991)! The resemblance is striking!
All hail Boogerlips!
Hey Sergio!
Milk > RDA
Hi CM Punk
lol that's hilarious
I support this.
People at work are looking at me like I am nuts. This shit is hilarious.
BrolyTheJustSaiyan - Hi CM PunkThis.
Right now I'm just imagining the sheer brutality that RDA could rain down on OP if he wanted to. Oh the humanity!
How bout a bumper sandwich booger lips?
Disagree. Roy Nelson looks more like this so called "Boogerlips" posted in OP. Dos Anjos looks like a BattleToad, not this monstrosity you have posted in the OP.
Damn dude I was just joking lol
Darth Ryase - Damn dude I was just joking lolHaha... It's all in good fun