Rampage and Ariel live on TV !!!

This could get ugly!!!

Rampage is an asshole. It was a legitimate question.

here it comes!!

This is a WWE style work

HobeyBaker - Rampage is an asshole. It was a legitimate question.

Ehhh...anyone with any sense knew that Rampage wouldn't say "My teammate shouldn't have won that fight, Dan fucked Pat over tonight." Especially with their past, Ariel should have known he would get the reaction he did.

Wow...Rampage is really coming off as a dick...more than usual.

I like how he was trying to chew bonners ass out at the beginning... Lol Phone Post

Rampage is being a dick and it's embarassing

I love Quinton but this is straight up embarrassing.

Did Rampage just say, "I love Pittsburgh, except for those fairies" just before cutting to commercial?

You can defend him all you want, but it's true. He looked real professional not taking any questions from Ariel. Why did he even go on the show if he has that much beef with the guy?

love Rampage

he did! He said, "I love Pittsburgh. Much love to y'all. Except for those faries out there. They scare me."

Monsters Ball - 
Kalin Johnston - 
HobeyBaker - Rampage is an asshole. It was a legitimate question.

Ehhh...anyone with any sense knew that Rampage wouldn't say "My teammate shouldn't have won that fight, Dan fucked Pat over tonight." Especially with their past, Ariel should have known he would get the reaction he did.

Dan fucked Pat over? Dan didn't tell Pat to let Cheick punch him and knock him out. You're just dumb.

Huh? Re-read what I said haha. Great reffing by Dan tonight and beautiful punch by Kongo.

Don't go on the show if you won't answer the guys ?'s....rampage is tiring Phone Post

Ferries people FERRIES! You know...the kind that cross rivers! Jeez Phone Post

OMGClayGuida - I love Quinton but this is straight up embarrassing.

This Phone Post

Rampage did not appear rude at all. Helwani asked a stupid question and Rampage was insulted. Ariel contineud to EMBARASS himself with his silly-boy retors. Ariel should of realized he started a new beef when he asked the dumb question...sigh Helwani

And then Helwani says "not the most exciting fight ever" about the Story/Spaniard fight. Give me a break Helwani - you can't make those comments yet.

Helwani embarassed himself.