“I want to go get Rashad. Nice warm-up fight, kick his ass. Fight Shogun, redeem myself for my sleep, for my mind. Then go and beat the hell out of Forrest, retire him,” Jackson told us yesterday as he pondered what would be a perfect run for him.
Evans and Shogun are obvious targets, but why want to put a beating on Forrest Griffin so badly? ....
Because Forrest has more facebook friends
Clearly a case of FB friend envy.
i hate everyone on facebook with more friends than me....therefore i hate 98% of the world because of FB
i hate the other 2% also because im sure they are minorities
I only have like 50 friends on Facebook. I must suck. :(
Rashad is training with top of the food chain guys in high altitude and Rampage is training in the home of the Beatles with nobodies. I have always liked Rampage but his head ain't right anymore.
Zilla makes a good point. Going to train at Wolfslair just seems like a poor idea when he could be training at Extreme Couture or someplace similar.
Page has rarely trained with top fighters and he seemed to be OK then.
I think the rest of that interview is very telling.
^God damnit, my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
I couldn't believe it either!
Haha Fucker. I'm on my laptop and I accidentally clicked the link while trying to see where it actually went because my track pad thingy is gay.
^^^And yet you made this post 437 spins later?
haha i dont click links. usually because im at work and i dont want IT calling to hassle me about why im looking at that lol
I like the song....