Feb 28th on Spike, 4 man LHW tournament.
No date on second round fight. Looking like Mo/Page final with winner getting title shot.
Feb 28th on Spike, 4 man LHW tournament.
No date on second round fight. Looking like Mo/Page final with winner getting title shot.
Is Rampage capable of (potentially) fighting 3 times in a year?
When was the last time he did that?
Barbasol OOTFFTT - Is Rampage capable of (potentially) fighting 3 times in a year?He could fight 3 times in a year but its a matter of making 205 three times in a year
When was the last time he did that?
so this is the big news???zzzz
What's the "official" reason for a 4 man tournament rather than their 8 man tournament? Other than the obvious and unspoken "we want Rampage or Mo with the title" just abandon the tournament and have Newton alternate fights between the two until he loses.
RondaHonda'dmymangina3744 -Bry Bry - so this is the big news???zzzz
Where is Emauel Newton!
He's fighting Vegh for the title like 3 weeks later
LMAO @ King Mo gifted another 4 man tournament!
epwar -
LMAO @ King Mo gifted another 4 man tournament!
In Bellator's defense there are probably a lot of reasons this is a 4 man tournament.
Obviously they want Mo or Rampage to have the title. I mean that isn't really debatable at this point. I'm assuming Rampage did not want to do an 8 man tournament at his age and I wouldn't be surprised if Mo refused as well.
These aren't exactly easy fights though. Both M'Pumbu and Zayats are probably Bellator's top light heavyweights outside of Vegh and Newton. So as much as an easy path to a title as a four man tournament is, I don't think either guy will breeze through it.
Lastly I don't even know if Bellator could really fill an 8 man light heavyweight tournament right now and keep it interesting. It is easily their most thin division and outside of Liam McGreary and I guess Matyushenko they don't have many others to fill the tournament out with.
Plus we will likely finally get Mo vs Rampage, which is a fight I'm excited for.
Bruham - What's the "official" reason for a 4 man tournament rather than their 8 man tournament? Other than the obvious and unspoken "we want Rampage or Mo with the title" just abandon the tournament and have Newton alternate fights between the two until he loses.
Last summer the excuse was "We're only doing it for the Summer Series." Now here we are in season 10 with every tournament being 8 guys EXCEPT this one. MY GOD this King Mo favoritism.
Bellator never learns. They obviously want Rampage vs. King Mo so expect one of them to lose or get injured.
Lol @ asking where Newton is
Anyway, surprised Rampage is doing the 4 man, good to see that even if it's only a 4 man
Of course they want Rampage vs Mo but Mo isn't an lock at all, Zayats has skills
nice hopefully we get to see rampage vs king mo
gorgesjorj -epwar -
LMAO @ King Mo gifted another 4 man tournament!
But the flip side is, can they find 4 other quality light heavyweights to fill out 8?
LIam, Eduardo, Vladdy, Vassell.
Problem is you would be most likely killing off your next group of up and coming LHW prospects for the bigger name vets like Mo/Page.
So you do this and get Mo/Page and then another 4 man with the prospects in the summer or fall. Get two contenders instead of 1. But they def had enough to fill out an 8 man tournament.
Jesus, so I'm guessing they want rampage vs mo?
Someone needs to photoshop Newtons head on Russel Crowes body and Lawal's head on Jaquin Phoenixs body from the scene in gladiator where Phoenix stabs Crowe right before their fight in the arena. This is getting stupid.
Why do you guys keep bringing up Newton? He is fighting for the title already
liquidrob - Why do you guys keep bringing up Newton? He is fighting for the title already
liquidrob - Why do you guys keep bringing up Newton? He is fighting for the title already