Randy on Pros VS. Joes!!!!

Just saw the commercial and theis season is gonna be cool. Randy, canseco, and rjj!


(shows randy tossin some joe around in the commercial too!)

sorry if this has already been posted

I've already said this on a thread a couple of weeks ago, but I still can't believe they're going to put some guy off the street in a boxing ring with RJJ. Even an over-the-hill RJJ would wipe the ring with 95% of the world's population. Should be great tv.

"Would love a chance to bean some pucks at him ;-) Vent some of my frustrations for the mid 80's."

As a Canucks fan, I concur.

Fuck that! RJJ would make any "Joe" look like an idiot! And god forbid if they land a lucky punch!! GAME OVER!!

Randy and RJJ will both make commercial spots.

I think the idea with Randy is who can get submitted the fewest times within 5 minutes.

"Want to rethink that? Because I think the number of people who would be able to hold their own with any decent pro boxer is in fact smaller, not larger, than the population of Australia"

LOL, relax man, I'm just throwing out big numbers.

Just because he's AZN doesn't mean he's good with numbers. HAHAHAHHA... heh.. er.


"95%? That means you're saying there are tens of millions of people that Roy Jones Jr. would be incapable of beating from one end of the ring to another."

all bjj blue belts imo

"I think the idea with Randy is who can get submitted the fewest times within 5 minutes."

Wouldn't it be a better idea to get a guy known for submissions rather than Randy Couture?

I would so love to be in a ring with both Randy and Roy Jones for one round.

Just to feel what it's like to be in with those guys is amazing.

Even if you get beat up a bit, who cares... It's not like they're gonna kill you.

How cool would it be if you could actually get a shot in on a former champ?

The idea behind Pros VS Joes is to take Joes, who were people who had some success ina given sporting field I.E high school football star and pit them against someone who achieved the height of success as a pro in that field. So the joes for Randy are probably people who have some sort of wrestling or grappling background.

Knowing that I would get killed I would still get in the ring for 5 minutes with Randy because he's fricking Randy Couture!!!

What is Canseco going to be doing? Home run contest or something??

Anyone know when the show is going to be on?

Canseco will have a steroid injection derby.

Or they both sleep with Madonna, and she grades their performance.


"Anyone know when the show is going to be on? "


"Wouldn't it be a better idea to get a guy known for submissions rather than Randy Couture?"

You don't think he can pull subs off on a bunch of armchair quarterbacks?

they are making rjj wear those big huge pillow boxing gloves