raquel shoulda tapped.

straight armlock converting into a leg assisted kimura twisted mess. i just didn't get it. really a hard one to call for the ref too because wiminz are flexible. i always tell the kids at class that FLEXIBILITY is NOT A REASONABLE defense, and if i see them caught in something and twisting their way out of it i call it asap.

dang i hope those ligaments recover because it wasn't pretty.

Tough girls. I enjoyed their fight moar than Pork Shumai and Camilia buffet fight.

Just sayin'


sufferingsuckatash -  


no shit, that's awesome!

I couldn't get a good shot because I didn't have a wide enough lens on my camera at the time, but here is what I did get.

talk about taking an arm home w/ you. JEEBUS


an HG fren was just describing this horrid affair to me, and THAT is exactly what i envisioned :(

PS. that carnage might actually result in Tommy John surgery imo....at the least.

career ender right there. :(

DAMN was there a ref in attendance? lol

Not one paying attention obviously lol!

once they control the wrist game over brah.

wrist control ftmfl

id rather have a bust of FUCK YEAH.


FCTV808 - career ender right there. :(

Not necessarily. If they can repair the probable ligament damage (ie. Tommy John) she will live to be armbarred once more.