Rate my 5/3/1

Bout to start 5/3/1. This is the assistance work I've chosen. Let me know if and where I can improve.

Squat 5/3/1
Leg press 5x10
Back extensions 5x10

Bench 5/3/1
Inc dbell bench 5x10
Lat pull down 5x10
Dips 3x10
Face pull 3x10

Deadlift 5/3/1
Ham curls 5x10
Hack squats 5x10

Press 5/3/1
Dumb bell Press 5x10
Chest supported rows 5x10
Dumbell curls 3x10
Shrugs 3x10 Phone Post 3.0

In for 531 programming discussion Phone Post 3.0

I'd switch pull-ups or chins instead of lat pulldowns , preferably weighted Phone Post 3.0

What are your goals? Your assistance work should be based on your goals.

cashingchecksandsnappingnecks - What are your goals? Your assistance work should be based on your goals.
Strength and aesthetics Phone Post 3.0

CMX - I'd switch pull-ups or chins instead of lat pulldowns , preferably weighted Phone Post 3.0
I've always preferred lat pull down. I feel the stretch and contraction much better. I might have to get better at chins and give it a go. Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr -
CMX - I'd switch pull-ups or chins instead of lat pulldowns , preferably weighted Phone Post 3.0
I've always preferred lat pull down. I feel the stretch and contraction much better. I might have to get better at chins and give it a go. Phone Post 3.0
Sounds like you aren't actually looking for feedback. Phone Post 3.0

It looks fine though if you're happy with it IMO Phone Post 3.0

WillD -
ISawSilva'sBONEr -
CMX - I'd switch pull-ups or chins instead of lat pulldowns , preferably weighted Phone Post 3.0
I've always preferred lat pull down. I feel the stretch and contraction much better. I might have to get better at chins and give it a go. Phone Post 3.0
Sounds like you aren't actually looking for feedback. Phone Post 3.0

See the part where I said I'll have to get better at them and give it a go? Phone Post 3.0

Try weighted and make sure you fully lock out you will definitely feel it , try alternating or hit your pulldowns after Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr - 
WillD -
ISawSilva'sBONEr -
CMX - I'd switch pull-ups or chins instead of lat pulldowns , preferably weighted Phone Post 3.0
I've always preferred lat pull down. I feel the stretch and contraction much better. I might have to get better at chins and give it a go. Phone Post 3.0
Sounds like you aren't actually looking for feedback. Phone Post 3.0

See the part where I said I'll have to get better at them and give it a go? Phone Post 3.0

I don't mean that meanly.  You're probably just used to people being cunts about lifting.  You seemed to have a good reason for doing what you were doing and you were happy with it.  I should've worded it better.

Looks pretty good IMO.

Fairly heavy workload, though. Only thing I would consider is maybe switching out the leg press for DB Lunges, perhaps, but that's just my opinion.

Looks good.

They are solid exercises. If you give 100% effort on each exercise I don't see how you won't get gains as far as strength and size given good nutrition also.

. Phone Post 3.0

Loving it so far. It's awesome walking into the gym knowing exactly what you have to do.

Question; are the deloads necessary for the first few cycles when the weights are still light? Don't really like the idea of talking a week off at this stage. Phone Post 3.0

Good question about the deload. Would like to know that too. Phone Post 3.0

I didn't deload until I was using weight that was challenging Phone Post 3.0

I started deloading after every 6 weeks (2 cycles).

I did 9 cycles with a deload after 3 weeks and it was too much time off. Phone Post 3.0

Agreed on the deload every two cycles (after 6 weeks). Wendler is now recommending that too.

About the original question, I'd drop the dips on bench day. Bench, incline, and dips on the same day would eventually lead to shoulder issues for me, but YMMV. (Actually, I might keep the dips and drop incline instead.) You doing 4 days / week or 3?

4 days. Done the bench day yesterday and dips felt good. This is pretty low volume for me so I'll stick at it for a while then I might swap to tricep extensions or something. It's the first time in a long time I've had doms in my shoulders the next day though. Lats are also sore for some reason so ill do my deadlift day tomorrow instead of today.

A deload every 2 cycles sounds like a great idea. Don't see the need to deload every cycle at the moment when I'm getting 10 reps on my 5 set. Phone Post 3.0