Reality Fighting will be holding its first MMA show in Georgia on June 9, 2007. The show will take place in conjunction with the NAGA Georgia Grappling Championships at the Suwanee Sports Academy in Suwanee, GA (northeast of Atlanta).
We are looking for both amateur and pro fighters for this event. If you are interested in fighting please email for more information.
More details about this event will be available soon. Come grapple in the afternoon then stick around for some great MMA action at night.
They say that life is not a zero sum game - if one person gets happier, another person is not necessarily sadder. That said, Kipp's combined Grappling/MMA days are a dream come true for any fan or competitor, and entailthe staff dashing about from 7:00 am till 2:00 am!!?!
seriously though, is the Reality Fighting event also going to be in the same building (Suwanee Sports Academy) as the tourny, or will it be somewhere else?