On October 2, the Tosno City Court of the Leningrad Region granted a petition for the parole of the odious MMA fighter and hooligan troublemaker Vyacheslav Datsik, who was convicted of illegally crossing the state border. The petition was considered in the courtroom of the FKU "Correctional Colony No. 3" in the village of Fornosovo, where Red Tarzan is serving his sentence.
The decision on parole must enter into force after 10 days from the date of its issuance. Thus, Datsik must leave the colony in Fornosovo by the end of Monday 12 October.
As Datsik's mother Svetlana reported to 47news, as of October 8, her son had not yet left the colony in Fornosovo. She was told that Vyacheslav would be released on October 12. She herself does not plan to meet her son.
- The road is hard for me. And he is not small. Friends will meet him. As a rule, he does not go to Slantsy right away. In St. Petersburg he is delayed, - Svetlana Datsik told 47news.
As the entrepreneur Valery Shalimov, the uncle of the fighter, told 47news, he is still waiting for his nephew at his workplace. Prior to his arrest, Datsik worked as a deputy chief director at the Eurotrakt road construction company. According to Shalimov, Datsik continues to hold this position.
Relatives of Red Tarzan, in a conversation with 47news, noted that, as a rule, they do not practice feasts after Vyacheslav's release from prison. And this will be his third release.
On March 17, 2016, Datsik was released from correctional colony No. 31 in Krasnoyarsk due to the expiration of the term he received for robbing cell phone stores. However, two months later he was detained by the St. Petersburg police for carrying out the so-called "anti-bordello" raid. A native of Slantsy left the "Crosses" in Kolpino on February 26, 2019, promising to shoot the third part of the film "Brother", which will be cooler than Tarantino's tapes.
But Datsik didn’t spend a year on freedom. Already on December 23, border guards caught Vyacheslav and his 26-year-old friend from near Saratov Dmitry Vechkin while crossing the Narva River. The soldier volunteered to show his comrade, dreaming of life in the European Union, the waterway to Estonia. But in the end, the border violators were caught at the border post in the village of Kukin Bereg in the Slantsevsky district of the Leningrad region. The border guards were surprised by the fact that Datsik went on a night trip to Estonia wearing only slippers.