Red Tarzan to be set free in a matter of days!

On October 2, the Tosno City Court of the Leningrad Region granted a petition for the parole of the odious MMA fighter and hooligan troublemaker Vyacheslav Datsik, who was convicted of illegally crossing the state border. The petition was considered in the courtroom of the FKU "Correctional Colony No. 3" in the village of Fornosovo, where Red Tarzan is serving his sentence.

The decision on parole must enter into force after 10 days from the date of its issuance. Thus, Datsik must leave the colony in Fornosovo by the end of Monday 12 October.

As Datsik's mother Svetlana reported to 47news, as of October 8, her son had not yet left the colony in Fornosovo. She was told that Vyacheslav would be released on October 12. She herself does not plan to meet her son.

- The road is hard for me. And he is not small. Friends will meet him. As a rule, he does not go to Slantsy right away. In St. Petersburg he is delayed, - Svetlana Datsik told 47news.

As the entrepreneur Valery Shalimov, the uncle of the fighter, told 47news, he is still waiting for his nephew at his workplace. Prior to his arrest, Datsik worked as a deputy chief director at the Eurotrakt road construction company. According to Shalimov, Datsik continues to hold this position.

Relatives of Red Tarzan, in a conversation with 47news, noted that, as a rule, they do not practice feasts after Vyacheslav's release from prison. And this will be his third release.

On March 17, 2016, Datsik was released from correctional colony No. 31 in Krasnoyarsk due to the expiration of the term he received for robbing cell phone stores. However, two months later he was detained by the St. Petersburg police for carrying out the so-called "anti-bordello" raid. A native of Slantsy left the "Crosses" in Kolpino on February 26, 2019, promising to shoot the third part of the film "Brother", which will be cooler than Tarantino's tapes.

But Datsik didn’t spend a year on freedom. Already on December 23, border guards caught Vyacheslav and his 26-year-old friend from near Saratov Dmitry Vechkin while crossing the Narva River. The soldier volunteered to show his comrade, dreaming of life in the European Union, the waterway to Estonia. But in the end, the border violators were caught at the border post in the village of Kukin Bereg in the Slantsevsky district of the Leningrad region. The border guards were surprised by the fact that Datsik went on a night trip to Estonia wearing only slippers.


"A native of Slantsy left the "Crosses" in Kolpino on February 26, 2019, promising to shoot the third part of the film "Brother", which will be cooler than Tarantino's tapes."

I heard an opinion that the actual first part of "Brat" is already better than Tarantino

Datsik putting in some work

touch -

"A native of Slantsy left the "Crosses" in Kolpino on February 26, 2019, promising to shoot the third part of the film "Brother", which will be cooler than Tarantino's tapes."

I heard an opinion that the actual first part of "Brat" is already better than Tarantino

Datsik actually hanged out in the same company with the main guy

touch -

Datsik putting in some work

touch, I'm a big fan of you on the UG, so I really don't mean this disrespectfully.  But do you know if Datsik is retarded, like Down Syndromed?  The way he looks, his neck, his facial features, the way he swings his arms when he punches.  I can't get over it.  What's the story?  Is he high functioning?  When he talks, does he sound normal?  It's all Russian to me.

jgiveshead -
touch -

Datsik putting in some work

touch, I'm a big fan of you on the UG, so I really don't mean this disrespectfully.  But do you know if Datsik is retarded, like Down Syndromed?  The way he looks, his neck, his facial features, the way he swings his arms when he punches.  I can't get over it.  What's the story?  Is he high functioning?  When he talks, does he sound normal?  It's all Russian to me.

Did you see the guy's penmanship? He might be crazy but he's far from retarded. And Datsik gave JLB fits so he's not that inept when "in shape", so to say

1 Like

Datsik penmanship



touch -

"A native of Slantsy left the "Crosses" in Kolpino on February 26, 2019, promising to shoot the third part of the film "Brother", which will be cooler than Tarantino's tapes."

I heard an opinion that the actual first part of "Brat" is already better than Tarantino

watch this movie guys, it is really good (there are English subs). Captures the 1990's era in Russia perfectly. 

Holy fuck The Red Tarzan can write my last will and testament. 

A beautiful mind.

my favourite video of his is the one where he spars with two handy LHWs. they bashed him eventually and broke his jaw, but he pretended he was ok.

Set him loose on ISIS groupies, please.

mindless optimism -

my favourite video of his is the one where he spars with two handy LHWs. they bashed him eventually and broke his jaw, but he pretended he was ok.

this one?


1 Like
touch -
mindless optimism -

my favourite video of his is the one where he spars with two handy LHWs. they bashed him eventually and broke his jaw, but he pretended he was ok.

this one?


What an intriguing character.  He moves like he has no formal training, but that he's also a savant, a natural genius at knowing what to do with his body to create power and leverage.  What's the back story with this guy? 

jgiveshead -
touch -
mindless optimism -

my favourite video of his is the one where he spars with two handy LHWs. they bashed him eventually and broke his jaw, but he pretended he was ok.

this one?


What an intriguing character.  He moves like he has no formal training, but that he's also a savant, a natural genius at knowing what to do with his body to create power and leverage.  What's the back story with this guy? 

His story is extraordinary, mysterious and completely unpredictable. Only 40% of the material are certified media sources, while the rest are rumors and stories of the population of numerous sites.

So, according to, Vyacheslav Datsik was born in 1980 in the provincial town of Slantsy, Leningrad Region. He was the only child in a complete, prosperous family. His mother worked as a teacher. He did not suffer from serious illnesses in childhood. He went to a regular school and coped well with the general education program. But even then he often fought with his peers, ended up in hospitals, including with concussions. As he himself later said, he was bullied as the "redhead", and he did not let offenders do this. People around him recall that Datsik could easily be rude to a teacher if, for example, he did not like his grade.

“At the age of five I had a dream: a big dog ??attacked me. The next day I went to bed with a knife to slaughter it. I don’t have any dreams anymore, - Vyacheslav recalled his childhood. - Towards me at school, everyone made fun of my body fullness and red hair color. When I was 8 years old, I had a snack with biting a whole of nine graders. Took the triceps from the neck of one of them. Well, they beat me, there were 16 concussions in one year, I got to the intensive care unit with a broken head. "

Due to his aggressive behavior, Vyacheslav was registered in the police’s children’s room.

Possessing outstanding physical data, Datsik, as a teenager, became interested in oriental martial arts, kettlebell lifting, and a barbell. Participated in competitions. But any restrictions on his personality, both in sports and in life, according to the testimony of his relatives, were already weighed down then.

After graduating from the 9th grade, Datsik entered a sports technical school, which he soon had to leave. Either because of poor progress and missing or because of constant fights. However, he told the doctors that he tried to study not in one, but in several technical schools, because he was interested in physics and the theoretical possibility of creating a time machine, a perpetual motion machine.

Vyacheslav did not go to the army, although he was recognized as partially fit. But he told the doctors that he would like to serve in the special forces.

1 Like

My favorite Datsik video


Dangerousdoug - My favorite Datsik video


Discomboobulated -

I hope he's setting up another fight right now.  I look forward to it.


Moscow. October 12. INTERFAX.RU - The Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region has appealed the decision of the Tosno City Court, which allowed the release of the nationalist Vyacheslav Datsik ("Red Tarzan") on parole, convicted of attempting to illegally cross the border. A complaint against this decision was received on October 9, it follows from the court file.

The Tosno court earlier in October agreed to release Datsik on parole.

On June 8, Datsik and his acquaintance Dmitry Vechkin were sentenced to a year in prison for attempting to illegally cross the border with Estonia by river or boat. They were detained in December 2019.

Datsik's wife Victoria claimed that Vechkin wanted to cross the border, and her husband only helped him get out of Russia and through Narva "showed him the direction", but "the boat was carried away and nailed to the Estonian side."

1 Like
Discomboobulated -
touch -
Discomboobulated -

I hope he's setting up another fight right now.  I look forward to it.


Moscow. October 12. INTERFAX.RU - The Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region has appealed the decision of the Tosno City Court, which allowed the release of the nationalist Vyacheslav Datsik ("Red Tarzan") on parole, convicted of attempting to illegally cross the border. A complaint against this decision was received on October 9, it follows from the court file.

The Tosno court earlier in October agreed to release Datsik on parole.

On June 8, Datsik and his acquaintance Dmitry Vechkin were sentenced to a year in prison for attempting to illegally cross the border with Estonia by river or boat. They were detained in December 2019.

Datsik's wife Victoria claimed that Vechkin wanted to cross the border, and her husband only helped him get out of Russia and through Narva "showed him the direction", but "the boat was carried away and nailed to the Estonian side."

Well, that puts a damper on things.

So, if I understand this correctly, he's stuck in the BIg House until June 8th?

And thanks, by the way.  Really appreciate the info.

I wouldn't count on anything tbh

I hear that after the revolution in Ukraine that was largely successful due to involvement of nationalists Putin demanded locking all of them in Russia up with the strictest terms possible. Just last month a very prominent Russian nationalist Tesak "commited a suicide" in prison although he was about to be released. That's his post-suicide photo


a day later the neck mystically disappeared


another strange disappearance of toe nails (back when the guy was still alive apparently) 


So, Datsik better change his mind about White Power for good unless he wants to meet the same fate

touch -
jgiveshead -
touch -

Datsik putting in some work

touch, I'm a big fan of you on the UG, so I really don't mean this disrespectfully.  But do you know if Datsik is retarded, like Down Syndromed?  The way he looks, his neck, his facial features, the way he swings his arms when he punches.  I can't get over it.  What's the story?  Is he high functioning?  When he talks, does he sound normal?  It's all Russian to me.

Did you see the guy's penmanship? He might be crazy but he's far from retarded. And Datsik gave JLB fits so he's not that inept when "in shape", so to say

He got a knockdown on a jlb that should've retired over ten years ago and was finished for it shortly there after. Let's not get carried away with "fits" my friend.