Refs. should have ear piece.

Don't you think refs should have ear piece? May be a good idea if there were people sitting cageside, that are authorized to provide help. Phone Post

Maybe other refs? Phone Post

yes that's exactly what they need. something to distract them.

There should be four or five refs in the cage at all times

Sonnen would disapprove.

greco yeoman - There should be four or five refs in the cage at all times

You could tape a couple FW's together and have them act as one Phone Post

Then they will know exactly when the fix is to take place.

TTT. refs can be trained. Phone Post

We need a ref that gets zapped with electricity whenever the crowd boos!!!!!

They should have one ref in the cage, a second one also in the cage to look from the opposite angle, a ref hanging from above like Mission Impossible, and the mats should be see through and a ref be underneath the cage to watch the action from that viewpoint.

there should be two refs and they should have tasers and be suspended above the cage with harnesses. one ref is in charge of one fighter and the other is in charge of the other fighter.


We need a fucking glass floor octagon with 30 refs underneath!!!!

 i should add. the loser gets tased regardless.

 30 refs is too much dude.

maybe 15

MarkRobinson -  30 refs is too much dude.

maybe 15

 What about 30 crocodiles in ref jerseys?

How about we have the whole octagon wall lined with refs instead of fence?

No more wall'n'stall or grabbing the fence....

Referee Royal Rumble

Novel Idea for training a ref, but a Pro ref like Big John, Herb, and Rob Hinds, will know how to stop a fight because just like a fighter knows he can't take any more ( even tho a fighter will def. be more stubborn ) an experienced ref will.

in all seriousness we should just get rid of both fighters and leave the ref

Brian Rule - in all seriousness we should just get rid of both fighters and leave the ref

 or maybe 2