Report: 40% of UFC fans are female

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                                Report: 40% of UFC fans are female

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                    <p>Bloomberg TV Reporter Greg Miles to Dana White<br />

“If you’re a guy, you don’t want to go out on dates with these women (who watch UFC), right? 

Dana White to Bloomberg TV Reporter

“The girls who watch UFC are hot… you, actually, do want to go out on dates with these girls.” 

In what is considered the fastestgrowing sport in the world, women are one of the fastest-growing subsets of fans. In fact, women now represent a reported 40 per cent of UFC enthusiasts, a big proportion for a firebrand organization that once claimed no interest in appealing to them.

MMA's most public torchbearer had his doubts about its mainstream appeal, particularly among women. "It's for males 18 to 34," UFC president Dana White said a few years ago. "If women watch, that's just gravy for us, that's beautiful ... But to go out and market toward women would be very expensive and not make much sense."

Women, however, came to UFC, anyway. And if you were to point to a Pied Piper, his name would be Georges St-Pierre.

"Georges St-Pierre isn't a bad-looking guy, so you'll always get the eyecandy seekers," says Drena Farrell, a UFC fan from Kelowna, B.C. "Just because there's a little bit of blood in UFC, people seem to think that makes it more brutal than other sports. I mean, it's a fight. What did you think was going to happen?"

Romance writer Vicki So, author of the forthcoming Harlequin novel Her Son's Hero, finds an unlikely muse in MMA fighters.

"They go into the cage knowing they could leave on a stretcher, but the stakes are worth the risk," says So, who writes under the pseudonym Vicki Essex. "That's what the best romances are made of: taking chances against all odds to emerge triumphant."

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Somebody can't do math. Phone Post

and 99% of the UG still can't get laid.

Of the girls that I've talked to barely knows anything about UFC. If I ask them anything about MMA or UFC they just respond that their brothers watch it. Phone Post

At least it explains all the bitching and crying on the UG... Phone Post

Women love to watch 2 men dry hump each other for 15-25 min.


DFW has sailboat fuel for brains. 

LOL at 40%

They count gay guys as women too, that's how he got the 40% figure Phone Post

If you count all the girlfriends who get dragged by their partner to watch it with their buddies, then it's possible.

Next thing you know some fighter is going to be sponsored by Revlon

so the scrawny guys in tapout clothing count as girls?

I bet he uses the word 'guesstimate' too. Phone Post

To be fair, at least in Southern Ontario there are MANY, many girl UFC fans.

40% though? No chance.

Mma fans any get their own damn gfs/wifes to watch who are they kidding Phone Post

My girl likes it, but she's not the woman. She'll definitely never buy any merch let alone a PPV though. Even if 40% are female, they're not promoting or supporting the sport half as much as the other 60%. Phone Post

Typical woman!* Lmao. Phone Post

40% are women yet 90% are bitches. Go figure. Phone Post

This explains why UFC fans prefer to watch the dry humping that goes on in the UFC over the MMA fighting that goes on in other organizations.

CyborgRoyce - Next thing you know some fighter is going to be sponsored by Revlon

 ...well, to be fair, there are enough fighters wearing polish on their toe nails and dying their hair crazy ass colors...