Report: False countdown ruse succeeds at Mundials

False countdown ruse succeeds at Mundials

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The crowd around the nearly empty mats was entirely focused on Beneil Dariush and De'Alonzio (DJ) Jackson, as they grappled for the brown belt middleweight championship. DJ got points for a pass very late into the match and was up 4-2.

The crowd chanted the countdown as time was running out. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! When the 1 sounded in the air, Beneil stopped grappling. He stood up and began to compose himself.

What he didn't know is that the crowd chanting was a congregation of Team Lloyd Irvin grapplers and supporters there to coach his opponent, DJ Jackson. There was actually ten more seconds left on the clock. DJ had nothing to do with the false countdown, but readily took advantage of it with a takedown and a pass into side control. Bam! Two points for the takedown and three points for the pass into side control on an unresisting and confused Beneil.

In future editions of the Mundials, there may be rules or sanctions against teams for pulling underhanded tactics like this.

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I don't follow the grappling tournaments.... has this tactic been an issue in the past?

Wow. Phone Post

Failure on the part of Beneil's coaches IMO

Wow what a fucking bitch move. I hope that Lloyd comes out against this because that's bullshit. This isn't college basketball. Phone Post

Slick Phone Post

Melvinator86 -  Slick Phone Post
That's what I'm saying. If you think the countdown was dumb, the only thing dumber is the fact that it worked.

Dirty IMO

I call for rematch ! Phone Post

I would not be proud of that kind of victory.

Tainted victory IMHO Phone Post

Wow, that is some bullshit tactics.

DJ must surely have known what was happening as well, there is no way he jumps up and takes his opponent down without this being pre-organised. Phone Post

* Phone Post

UGCTT_Benwahwah -  Wow, that is some bullshit tactics.

DJ must surely have known what was happening as well, there is no way he jumps up and takes his opponent down without this being pre-organised. Phone Post

 He had to know, he heard the same countdown as the other guy, how else would he know that it was not the correct time?

Anyone who knows Lloyd knows this is not too surprising Phone Post

Wow. Thats pretty low.

as much of a bitch move as fake glove-tapping and throwing a punch at the beginning of a fight.

The grappler should be sanctioned for the actions of his team, that will prevent against teams doing such a disgraceful, low-budget tactic in the future.

What I don't get is who would want to win that way?

I'd be ashamed if that was the way I had to win a match. Phone Post


I wouldn't want to win an arm wrestling contest like that, let alone a match on the world stage...

TossTheGi -  What I don't get is who would want to win that way?

I'd be ashamed if that was the way I had to win a match. Phone Post


Looks great on the record books as a win when other see it, but who is so narcissistic that they would want to live with that?