Repost:San Shou heavy bag training

from: lkfmdc
date: 08-apr-01 | 02:20 am
While free sparring with the proper safety equipment allows for a high degree of impact and realism, it is still inherently dangerous. For this reason, the use of equipment such as the heavy bag, focus mitts and the forearm pads allows the student to learn the basic techniques and to practice them the numerous times necessary to develop important attributes such as focus, power, distance and timing without injury. In addition, doing rounds with the training equipment provides superior cardiovascular conditioning.
We use three minute rounds with a one minute rest between rounds similar to a western boxing round. Elite athletes do three minute rounds with a 30 second rest. We do this because we believe superior conditioning is an essential part of a winning strategy.
The heavy bag
The heavy bag may be the most basic piece of training equipment in combat sports based upon striking. The heavy bag's primary use is to allow the student to practice their striking and kicking techniques at full power and to become accustomed to the impact. However, when properly utilised, the bag can also be used to teach distance, timing and footwork. The following points should be kept in mind when practising on the heavy bag;
Don't stand square in front of the heavy bag. Use your fighting stance, keeping one shoulder in front of the other.
Don't stand in place in front of the heavy bag. Move in both directions around the bag.
Since you do not have to worry about injuring a partner, use full speed and power.
Picture the heavy bag as an actual opponent with arms and legs. Identify actual anatomical targets on the bag.
The most effective fighters visualise oncoming attacks and defend as well as launching attacks.

Subject: re: info
from: ufc-todd
date: 08-apr-01 | 02:49 pm
Is that how you measure your distance, by moving around it, back and fourth like its an opponent and trying to strike? I can do 3:30 rounds and I do 3 a night 1min rest in between.
Thanks, todd.

Subject: re: info
from: msports1
date: 12-apr-01 | 05:29 pm
I think you hit the nail on the head...visualisation!!
One of the toughest things to teach to others, (especially newcomers to the arts), is how to actually get a mental image in their own head of an opponent...when there really isn't one there. It is one of the things that I constantly harp on my students to remember...visualise, visualise, visualise...however, I know more often than not, it is a concept which can be easily forgotten when working the bag for long periods.
Aside from the practical value, I also try and instil the fact of how much visualisation can help keep them going motivationally in the later rounds, when they are dog tired and crying for their couches....if they are viewing the bag just as an inanimate piece of training equipment, they are noticeably less inspired ...