UFC 162, what a card! In addition to being one of, if not the, biggest fight cards of the year so far in 2013 it also was the largest pool of players here on The UG for the Pick 'Em contest hosted by Mulletron5000!
UFC 162 Pick 'Em featured 121 entrants, a new record for the contest!
UFC 162 Winners are as follows:
1st Place: UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS - $100.00 Revgear Gift Card, 60 VU's & a Blue Name
2nd Place: GrayKickass - $50.00 Revgear Gift Card, 30 VU's & a Blue Name
3rd Place: mshagger - $25.00 Revgear Gift Card, 15 VU's
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who entered!
Much thanks to Revgear for the great support!
GrayKickass won the tie-breaker for second place due to having a higher scoring main card (36/33).
Here are some notes about the contest
-121 total players (new record!)
- the UG score was a 62, good for 77th place.
- 23 people picked Weidman to win
- 21 picked Melancon
- the islander, CandadianGSPFan and UGCTT Captain America each picked 10 correct winners
- steverowbotham, Swedgen, UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 and discodrew got all of the main card winners correct
- JCON had the most round and method picks correct with 10
- mshagger, masterbazn and UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 had the most OTN bonuses with 2
- UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS had the most Main Card bonuses with 4
- 77 players received at least 1 OTN bonus
- 107 received at least 1 main card bonus 
Complete standings:
Rank Name Points
2 GrayKickass 103
3 mshagger 103
4 UGPTT_Rear Naked Chode 102
5 Oboe 102
6 AbbeyRoadMe 101
7 ruazombie66 100
8 TKOhYeah 100
9 the islander 99
10 umkobra 99
11 CanadianGSPFan 97
12 Card 96
13 JCON 94
14 UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 94
15 Billy Butcher 91
16 pidgey 88
17 TheCrow13 87
18 UGCTT_xCated 86
19 cecils_pupils 86
20 passafire 86
21 Nomoromophobia 86
22 StruvesNarrowUrethra 85
23 dbeedy 85
24 weebrave 84
25 ShangoUnchained 83
26 UGCTT Captain America 82
27 Wariornation149 82
28 McLeod 82
29 claw11 82
30 MdGeist 81
31 bknumber1 80
32 Shermbe 79
33 DWTF 79
34 Widow-Maker187 79
35 Missssta 79
36 warriorx559 78
37 TTBangBang 78
38 D v 78
39 RonysTorresIceBag 78
40 Caffiend 78 
Rank Name Points
41 McNutt 77
42 masterbazn 77
43 Stephen Eakin 77
44 rmenergy 77
45 rgONE 77
46 ehumble 76
47 GoGo GadgetPlata 76
48 rigoville 75
49 GayGuardMooseSaucy 75
50 Dumbass JoeMimic 75
51 steverowbotham 74
52 HitsToTheDome 74
53 11Auburn11 73
54 whitfield1234 73
55 Swedgen 72
56 OmgItsTheWams 72
57 in before 11er 72
58 Chris27 72
59 PrettyCoolGuy 71
60 Frostie 71
61 jw234 71
62 John M 71
63 shatteredsoul14 70
64 kickasspoolparty 70
65 Gibbons10 69
66 II Duce 69
67 OliveBlack 68
68 UGCKIRTT_SonofJockstrap 68
69 MediumRare25 67
70 bando661 67
71 marauder2c 66
72 steve85uk 66
73 discodrew 64
74 fightpredictor 63
75 Starts with the gi NYC 63
76 xsrg95 63
77 toddiejasl 62
78 ChemdogChronic 61
79 silouhette 61
80 Bristols Jim 60 
Rank Name Points
81 UGCTT_5 for fighting 60
82 jodinho 59
83 backfist_barnesy 58
84 UGCTT Jobe Watson's Original Butler 58
85 J Sho 57
86 Pancake Syrup Ali 57
87 uniquetechnique 57
88 caseharts 56
89 RdogXtreme 56
90 Stuart510 56
91 Sergio88 56
92 The Loge 56
93 Skunk Stink Sac Dog Breath 56
94 theonedylanthomas 56
95 steesteezeirwinjr
96 Tylervic 55
97 Warriormmd 54
98 scottiek123 54
99 Mahakala 54
100 Augustus Caesar 54
101 Jitz93 54
102 Huggsbear 53
103 BigFootsSkinnyArm 53
104 Calavaro 53
106 Wade5000 52
107 pennviachoke 51
108 Bigneek 51
109 DatSpider 50
110 Sugarfoot 49
111 Herrgh 49
112 cald4891 48
113 loadin76 48
114 fightdirty 47
115 Wovito 46
116 Pugilist82 42
117 cward81386 39
118 raiderssuck 38
119 SearchingTudor 34
120 DJ CRUSH 32
121 MMAAdvertising 30 
Wow! Can't believe I'm 2nd, I'm buzzing right now haha
Thanks Mulletron and Revgear for putting this all together. These competitions are my favourite thing about the UG, and it makes events that much more exciting to watch. 
This is like the third time i hit the bubble. Always a bridesmaid dammit lol. Congrats to the winners
GrayKickass - Wow! Can't believe I'm 2nd, I'm buzzing right now haha
Thanks Mulletron and Revgear for putting this all together. These competitions are my favourite thing about the UG, and it makes events that much more exciting to watch. 
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy them!
Congrats on second place! 
Great contest, thanks Mull and Revgear for doing this.
VU everyone in thread.
So 163 will be the next one or will you be doing a Fox card contest?
Chris27 -
Great contest, thanks Mull and Revgear for doing this.
VU everyone in thread.
So 163 will be the next one or will you be doing a Fox card contest?
Chris, you think we would miss a UFC event? We'll be ready for the July 27 FOX card and hope you are again a participant!
Swedgen -
Sweet. Although I was so close to kicking ass again.
Weidman R1 SUB (SOTN)
Had Cub for KOTN
Had Frankie for FOTN
Weidman KOing Anderson sent everything off the rails, but I said before the event, if CW wins by knockout, rendering my picks incorrect, I'd still be happy!
VU Rev/Ingrained/Mulletron
One fight can definitely change the whole game. 
UGPTT_Rear Naked Chode -
This is like the third time i hit the bubble. Always a bridesmaid dammit lol. Congrats to the winners
You should consider putting money on these fights. 
Thanks again RevGear & Mulletron, and congratulations everyone!!!
I'll use this thread to post my vote ups to everyone
(These are only showing my part)
GrayKickass - VTFU x3 = 3 of 15
mshagger VTFU x3 = 3 of 8
Congrats to the winners!
Love these. 
RickStorm -
Thanks again RevGear & Mulletron, and congratulations everyone!!!
I'll use this thread to post my vote ups to everyone
(These are only showing my part)
GrayKickass - VTFU x3 = 3 of 15
mshagger VTFU x3 = 3 of 8
Yep i picked Silva for a SN/Paypal bet so hence my new name.
Happy I lost actually as I really want to see a change in the MW landscape.
Revgear - Chris27 -
Great contest, thanks Mull and Revgear for doing this.
VU everyone in thread.
So 163 will be the next one or will you be doing a Fox card contest?
Chris, you think we would miss a UFC event? We'll be ready for the July 27 FOX card and hope you are again a participant!
Good to hear, just wasnt sure if you guys were gonna do it for every event, thought maybe just the PPV.
Good news and yes I'll be participating as usual.
Chris27, I calculated all of the total points each player has earned since I started these and you are #2 overall with 995. Ehumble is #1 with 996.