Rib Injury... anyone have this before?

Damn THAT is unusual.

Does your’s crack now that it’s healed?

They guy I know could crack his by leaning back far enough

It still bothers me. It hurts to sneeze and kinda pops when I do. And laying flat on my back hurts as well.

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Is the pain mainly in your ribs or in your sternum / chest?

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Ribs. About an inch below the sternum, and on the left side, where the rib bone connects to the cartilage. When I slouch or twist at all, I feel a “pop” and it feels like the rib is out of place. Then it’s super painful, and I get a muscle spasm. I have to raise my chest and then I feel another pop, again painful, but then it feels like the rib is back in place. What’s strange is that the rib barely hurts at all - except when it “pops,” which it’s been doing a lot today. I’ve had bruised ribs before, which hurt all the time. This is very different.

Right now, I don’t care about returning training. I just want to know when my rib will stop popping and I can sit normally in a chair again!

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I hope you heal up, OP

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Mine were 6 weeks to the day. I’d read it takes that long and crazily enough it was spot on.

During healing I could use the rowing machine and run no problems but anything twisting was no go. Even turning over in bed was painful. Now both sides of the ribs are disfigured.

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Just like your dick

An update, just in case anyone cares…

My rib got really bad about 7 days after the initial injury. It popped all the time, very painful. I could barely move. It didn’t seem like it could possibly heal, since it kept popping. I have to admit, I got a little depressed and scared.

Fortunately, on day 10 or so, the rib stopped popping. Oddly, it hurt a little more in general. And I got some intense burning muscle spams over the rib, if I twisted or bent. But no popping. The spasms got noticeably less intense each day Now, on day 15, the muscle on my rib feels a little sore, but not bad at all. I’m still scared to twist or bend, but I think I’ll be able to move somewhat normally in a couple days. But I’m gong to wait at least another month before lifting or rolling, probably longer, just to be safe.

Anyway, that’s the timeline on my injury. Very glad the worst seems to be over… I had no idea what a goddamn nightmare rib injuries could be!

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Ribs are a bitch.

I had a knot in my back and thought it was a muscle

I went to my PT who said “nah, you dislocated a rib but I can put it back”

She put her foot in my armpit and jerked my arm and it hurt like a motherfucker

Rib injuries are rough I popped mine my first week as a new black belt visiting new schools. The most common rib injury is a costocondral separation. Which based on your popping symptoms that’s what it sounds like. Most physicians will say ‘rest’ because it is easy however the most common risk factor for an injury is a previous injury. Ie the injury was never properly rehabbed. You can 100% rehab a rib injury. I’m a physical therapist and have had great success working with combat athletes and getting them back to the mat who have rib injuries.

If you need specific assistance on getting back to the mats check out my IG page and send me a DM. https://www.instagram.com/doctor_kickass/


Awesome! I’ve been wanting to talk to someone who has more specific knowledge about this stuff. I’ll definitely send you a DM soon. Thanks!

Holy shit, you post here? That’s one of the best accounts on insta.