Rickson's breathing technique?

Look up Pranayama.

ttt for breathing

I can do teh technique itself also. I can roll my stomach abs but I can pull the sides in so you only can see the middle of my abs, here is a video (you can see it in the beginning when I perform it:


Take care


"the truth is...most of you act like he's a rock star, and you want to be all up in his business. you're all concerned with how he breathes? LOL"

Or you could be the guy who spews shit on every Rickson post. Which is better??? Ive been in his seminars where he shows his Yogic breathing but also how he breathes while rolling. Vey cool. Period.

Whatever method there seems to be about breathing, it centers around minute oxygen uptake and secretion of co2.

The more your opponent makes you use o2 the more your tissues will be starving to get it, which increases your respiratory and heart rate. The more you exert the more that will happen as well. Make your opponnent retain more co2 and you will have a guy that cannot intelligently defend and make decisions against you.
I'm trying to simplyfy it for you guys.

ttt for more infos about breathing while rolling. No one talks about it very often.

I've seen Rickson do something like this. But, this may be different from what you're talking about since this has very little to do with breathing.

Old school bodybuilders used to do this... It's called the Stomach Vacuum. The reason most people can't do it is because not many people have such tremendous abdominal strength.

Older bodybuilders used to be able to suck in their stomach very deeply and could control it in such a manner that they could let each section of their abdominal muscles out at at a time or even give a "rolling" effect. It may look weird, but it demonstrates wonderful Transverse, Rectus and Internal abdominal strength...

Its a bunch. And my point is why be the guy who just has to spew shit? You know your motivation's better than me. Did he fuck your wife or something?? I can understand the kids who swarm this place and have no skill or clue but despite any difference we have you dont seem like that. I could really give a fuck if its 10 or a 1000. Statement still stands.