ring of combat results?

does anyone have any results? thanks

i'm ringside there now - the show's still going on. who do you want to know about?

the erik henery/gregor fight and marc stevens. thanks a lot

shoot if we can get them all that'd be cool


Current results, please!

i heard josh keys koed his opponent... unofficial result

troxell won a decision, josh key tko'd nabih, catone wrecked knight, aquino battered stevens for the stoppage, gordon rnc'd boine, dan miller won a decision against howard, dante's opponent broke his foot warming up in the locker room, mclaughlin triangled sachs, brenneman battered berraciol for the stoppage, romero battered doyle for the stoppage, massenzio guillotined everson.


thanks sioux

awesome of you to give all the results

wow, thanks and dante's opponent broke his foot warming up in the locker room? ha

no word on the henery/gracie or jim miller fights


jim miller won via doc stoppage - a cut over ligouri's eye. it was a fantastic fight, with miller taking the first round and ligouri taking the second round.

How was the Dan Miller fight? I give him a lot of credit for fighting this
fight only a month before a big IFL fight with Rory Markham. That takes

Dang - I thought Doyle would win!

doyle showed a ton of heart by hanging in there, but romero stunned him with a left hook and pounded on him for the duration.

john howard proved to be pretty tough, and gave dan miller a tough time.

howard looked scary at cffc

so in your oppinion sioux when the fight was stopped who would you give it to miller or chris

say they went to the cards instead of tko

Thanks for the restults. Congrats to Jim & Dan Miller, and Tim Troxel. AMA goes 3 for 3!

congrats brian....

without question, when the miller/ligouri fight was stopped, IT WAS DEAD EVEN. miller took the first round and ligouri took the second.

Congratulations to Brian McLaughlin!

Good going coach!!!

Win by sub, just like I called it, hope you gave the people a good show and did not end it too early like all the past fights you've had.

what about the joey camacho and vali fight?