ttt for BANG!
Final battle of the night, alcohol over me by dramatic beatdown
TTT for another great event by Sven!
top for my redemptive domination of alcohol last night in the immediate rematch
top for Sven! Thanks, buddy!
I had to miss this event because it was the same night as my office's X-mas party.
It's too bad about Cody. He's a truly nice guy and a good teacher when it comes to details.
Shit happens to the best of 'em - he'll be back. Congrats to Eric Smith.
dude, your office xmas party? .... really?
I have to keep my job more than I have to see the ROF :)
I got to meet Wanderlei Silva. Who'd you meet @ the xmas party?
:) j/k
you missed a great show, though!