RIP Phyllis Lee

Yes, that’s my photo

Phyllis is her middle name.

No way Lee was her first name (I would have remembered that)

Phyllis Lee Zuver. I was her business partner for two decades. She would have been 85 yesterday.

She had the dirt on pretty much all the fighters and promoters of her era.

Her two favorite fighters were Ron Waterman and Chris Lytle.


Well fuck!

Someone on here/internet posted an inaccurate obituary.


She was the female Monte Cox……Rest In Heaven, ma’am.

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“She was the female Monte Cox”…, Phyllis would not consider that a compliment.

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Why? Monte’s fucking awesome.

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Competition I would imagine.

The Pav Ken Pavia probably wasn’t well liked either.

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For good reason. Pav was unscrupulous at best from what i remember.

Terry funk in this picture aslo does


Here she is as the original Onlyfans content creator

Phyllis Lee wrestler


Is that dick slater on the left?


Yup far left of the pic

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Oh. I thought he was the second from left

Next to Phyllis is the world’s greatest prowrestling superfan - Masa Horie.

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I have been trying to find a pro wrestling picture of her for almost a decade

I would like to place it in a frame and put it up on my wall


RIP ya old bag

I met her a few times, but I never got to have a real conversation with her

The last time was at Randy Greenman’ reality Shoot Fighting show

  • I suggest that you google him if you want to read a crazy story

She gave me one of her business cards and it had the Pancrase logo on it.

I have no idea what I did with that card.Probably lost it when I have lost my wallet before.