I had an old thread on this but can't find it. Please don’t respond with bullshit stories, no diabetic on diabetic crime.
I have a dexcom G5 that I wear on my abdomen for two weeks at a time and I haven't been able to train bjj in 3 years as a result. FYI I realize you're supposed to wear it for one week but everyone I have met does it for two weeks so now I do as well and it's been awesome. Who trains hard bjj, for 1-2 hours at a time, 3-4 times per week while wearing a dexcom g5? I reached out to an mma guy in canada about what he does and he puts his on his ass. Whenever I do that my numbers get drunk because I sleep on my back. I essentially get false low alarms when I sleep and it sucks.
I would be fine covering it in rocktape and putting it on my abdomin but all I can picture is it getting ripped off when someone passes my guard. I am not interested in training once per week for an hour, I am looking for guys who are dedicated that use what I use.
Thanx Bitches