"Rolling With Rickson" - Tim Credeur : DEEP Lytes Out

It is MMA Detective Mike Davis Fellas

He runs the interviews and Podcast

Oh you meant in the interview box. I thought you meant the cover photo.

Mike Davis IS @LytesOutPodcast UGer

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Manā€¦ I get called Hank & Bruce Willis all of the time

I am also not trying to add Tom Credeur to that list

You have been called Chris Lytle a few times as well

I always chuckle because sometimes it isnā€™t a good time to correct the fighter so you just roll with it


Yeahā€¦ I usually eat 2 of those before o step in

We got Ken Shamrock on Tuesday

We are trying to make October UFC 1 month


Oh Boy
Steak , Chicken , Dana

Art Jimmerson - recorded
Zane Frazier - recorded

  • both are really good listens
    Ken Shamrock - Tuesday
    Charlie Anzalone - Sunday

Tela Tuli - gave us a verbal - 50/50
Gerard Gerdeau - talking with a friend of his, this is 20%

  • I would literally pay for this interview
    His deep dive as long as it was honest would be made into a Netflix series
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Wow. very exciting guests

Such a great podcast

Damn. Big time roster of guests coming up. I admit that I got a little burned out with all the Lionā€™s Den guys youā€™ve had on but getting Ken Shamrock himself on the podcast is a big score. Iā€™m almost surprised heā€™d do it considering some of the things that have been revealed about him on there!

Zane Frazer is interesting too and I hope he talks about the Frank Dux street fight that supposedly got him invited to UFC 1. That story is kind of a little known martial arts legend.


Got Thru , working on

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Broā€¦ we go deep with Him

He is ADHD, so I had to wrangle him in

Once we hit Richard Hamilton the interview smooths out

  • Severns manager who was in the witness protection program for sex trafficking

Nice. Canā€™t wait.

Where the fuck is Chris Lytle then?

Lytle is on 1-2 x a month

His schedule with BKFC and the Fire Department is absolutely crazy

If you look at the episodes that he is one, often times he is at work

Someone made a complaint and now can only do them from home.

The bigger guests we try to schedule around his free time

  • there isnā€™t a lot

When we started this we both agreed that we would drop 1 a week - I carry that load.

Keep in mind, it is a project to preserve history - these are interviews and not conversations


Not that Iā€™m complaining but I too have wondered why Lytle is usually absent from the show thatā€™s named after him.

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Itā€™s a project with his name on it

In essence

For years he and I have communicated about the nitty gritty within the world of mma

Sometimes it was for gambling purposes and other times it was to exchange cool historical facts.

Chris approached me about creating a channel in order to preserve the cool stories of mma

At the time I was on the Cook County Sheriffs Department (now retired)

We both agreed that doing interviews that dealt with hard facts was a better fit for our need than doing one with lose conversations.

The best way in my opinion at the time to access gyms and people was to use his name

  • he agreed even though he couldnā€™t make every episode - this was discussed prior to our start

For reference

My job was literally interviewing people and gathering information