Blue please:
gif cuts off too soon
He pulled a hashad stanky face too
Quadbeak - Blue please:
Depends on how hurting I am for money.
As it stands right now my day off is worth more to me than $300
Gordo1581 - <img src=>
that gif LOL
lol Gordo.
gif of the year
Hahahaha, in.
I properly LOL'ed when I saw this.
Gordo = Gold
Gordo1581 -Best EVA!
Gordo nailed it!
God it does my heart good to see that. I'm gonna save that gif and watch it every day. lol I said as soon as it happened that would be immortalized forever in a romo/gif!
grachuss - Fedor may not have fought the top competition all the time, but it was always exciting.
Um...good point....I...suppose
Thread of the night by far! legit lmao!
Gordo1581 -Lmao!
R00STER -grachuss - Fedor may not have fought the top competition all the time, but it was always exciting.
Um...good point....I...suppose