Romo this shocked Ronda with eye malfunction (pic)

How fucked up is it that that is one of her more attractive pictures? Phone Post 3.0

I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Shut your fucking face nerd!

Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Beautiful champ

FETT_Loadin76_TFK -

lol VU

Reptilian ronda Phone Post 3.0

Is that a fuckin target tattoo on her wrist lol?

Balls Mahoney -

Is that a fuckin target tattoo on her wrist lol?

FETT_Loadin76_TFK -

Fucking amazing. Phone Post 3.0

Her ringworm tattoo was a curious choice.

Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0
Hey everybody, RONDA IS HERE! Phone Post 3.0

FETT_Loadin76_TFK - 

Beautiful, champ!

Son of Neckbone - Her ringworm tattoo was a curious choice.
Was just thinking this Phone Post 3.0

touch -

So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear. Phone Post 3.0

judonoob - 
touch -

So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear. Phone Post 3.0

And here comes the first triggered crybaby white knight who lacks a sense of humor.

What a combo!

judonoob -
touch -

So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear. Phone Post 3.0

Absolutely not. Just another good-natured thread for romo'ing a fighter with a peculiar facial expression. Take it easy, that could happen to anybody.

So innnn Phone Post 3.0

Somebody is a crybaby. Phone Post 3.0