How fucked up is it that that is one of her more attractive pictures?
I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!!
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!!
Shut your fucking face nerd!
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!!
Beautiful champ
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -
lol VU
Reptilian ronda
Is that a fuckin target tattoo on her wrist lol?
Balls Mahoney -Is that a fuckin target tattoo on her wrist lol?
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -Fucking amazing.
Her ringworm tattoo was a curious choice.
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!!Hey everybody, RONDA IS HERE!
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -
Beautiful, champ!
Son of Neckbone - Her ringworm tattoo was a curious choice.Was just thinking this
touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
And here comes the first triggered crybaby white knight who lacks a sense of humor.
What a combo!
judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
Absolutely not. Just another good-natured thread for romo'ing a fighter with a peculiar facial expression. Take it easy, that could happen to anybody.
So innnn
Somebody is a crybaby.