Better pic
judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
Dear shithead,
We have been photoshopping fighters here since 01. Take the pole out of your ass.
The guy responsible for the Mirko/Pride Grave Romo
judonoob -Lol. Who's threatened here? You're the only one who got their feelings hurt.Paul Maul -Sorry wrong broseph. I'm a big fan but I don't do every thread because there is not enough time in the day.judonoob -LOL, you fuckin cry baby white knight, you're the first one in EVERY single thread about to stick up for the girl.ausgepicht -Lol please show the class how I am triggered. If anyone sounds triggered it's you. So just calm down Miss, everything will be ok.judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
And here comes the first triggered crybaby white knight who lacks a sense of humor.
What a combo!
This one just had me curious. You shouldn't feel so threatened by simple questions. Have a great day!
And btw, Fedor's been romo'd more than Ronda and for a lot longer. Stop with the petty bs.

ThinkMMA -judonoob -Lol. Who's threatened here? You're the only one who got their feelings hurt.Paul Maul -Sorry wrong broseph. I'm a big fan but I don't do every thread because there is not enough time in the day.judonoob -LOL, you fuckin cry baby white knight, you're the first one in EVERY single thread about to stick up for the girl.ausgepicht -Lol please show the class how I am triggered. If anyone sounds triggered it's you. So just calm down Miss, everything will be ok.judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
And here comes the first triggered crybaby white knight who lacks a sense of humor.
What a combo!
This one just had me curious. You shouldn't feel so threatened by simple questions. Have a great day!
And btw, Fedor's been romo'd more than Ronda and for a lot longer. Stop with the petty bs.
LoL look how far and long the Shad face has gone...
I feel a sloth coming...
Sultry Crockett -Oh someone plz Romo her in to this pic

FETT_Loadin76_TFK -
Masterful performance.
judonoob -Jesus Christ can nobody take a joke anymore? Ronda isn't going to peg you, I don't know why you bother defending her. And here of all places.touch -Cool. It's really not her best look.judonoob -touch -Oh well that clears it up. Out of curiosity, when was that picture taken?judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
Absolutely not. Just another good-natured thread for romo'ing a fighter with a peculiar facial expression. Take it easy, that could happen to anybody.
In April, from what I see based on Google search.
One more quick question. You are one of the better contributors here. When was the last time you created a romo thread about Fedor? You know, just for some good natured fun. He was busted up his last fight and this image I find quite funny.
But hey, you have a great day sir. And VU for being such a good sport.

judonoob -Have you not seen any of touch's threads? They are all random pictures coupled with a very appropriate title. Its just a bizarre looking picture, lighten up.touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.

RIGHONFIRE -Loljudonoob -Calm down TravisthaVANILLA Gorilla - Holy shit Judonoob. Hahah. How mad are you right now?Haha not sure how mad. Usually I blow off these bash threads but I like Touch and this one had me wondering why the other 357 Honda bashing threads weren't enough.
Of course the usual trolls can't resist to pile on but I'm cool with that.

I mentioned Brian Peppers. Can a blue post a pic? He was a handsome young gentleman.
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -Zoom left side to see ghost of JBJ

touch -Beautiful champFETT_Loadin76_TFK -
Masterful performance.

judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -
white people problems
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -
Awwww shit LMAO
Jack_Bauer -judonoob -touch -So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear.