Ronda on suicide watch....

Pizzacorner - ... she will babble something about babies and then go put on large sunglasses, tank-top and a pair of cut-off jean shorts...

And a Venti Starbucks. 

Pizzacorner - ... she will babble something about babies and then go put on large sunglasses, tank-top and a pair of cut-off jean shorts...
You're a loser who will never achieve a quarter of what she has...keep enjoying someone successful falling faggot

I don't like her and yet I feel bad for her and also worry About her . That look on her face after the stoppage .. like wtf just happened 

lebronjamesdad - U faggots forgot how much she has helped the UFC not to mention she is the only reason women are in the UFC
That is another reason I don't like her. Thanks for reminding me, it just made this fight that much better.

chaplinshouse -
lebronjamesdad - U faggots forgot how much she has helped the UFC not to mention she is the only reason women are in the UFC

that's the reason i hate her.  i can't stand women's mma

Yeah she has helped MMA reach more mainstream viewers...which means all of our favorite fighters get paid more

The fact that some of you fuckers would make fun of her dad committing suicide is disgusting on a whole other level. I don't know Ronda, nor do I like or dislike her. But you losers talking about her dad are the only ones who need to commit suicide

strict9 -
lebronjamesdad - U faggots forgot how much she has helped the UFC not to mention she is the only reason women are in the UFC
That is another reason I don't like her. Thanks for reminding me, it just made this fight that much better.
Sorry the UFC isn't just made for your viewing...she brought eyes to the sport

Joe O'Brien -
lebronjamesdad - U faggots forgot how much she has helped the UFC not to mention she is the only reason women are in the UFC
Yeah.... THANKS ronda...
Your $60 a month didn't help any fighter...she made more of a difference than u ever will

Sean McCorkle - The fact that some of you fuckers would make fun of her dad committing suicide is disgusting on a whole other level. I don't know Ronda, nor do I like or dislike her. But you losers talking about her dad are the only ones who need to commit suicide

Lighten up Big Sexy. The only mention of her dad is "She has suicidal tendencies, from her Dad." which may not be too far from the truth, given her grandfather also committed suicide. Hardly the worst you will see on the interweb(should see some of the shit on Reddit at the moment, people are vicious).

I feel pretty bad for her. She has some serious psychological weakness which makes her a bad fit for MMA, at least when losing. The worst part is she caused all of the hate herself. She acted like a heel without the strength to fit the role. People love cutting someone like that down. The delusions of grandeur will be gone now and the realization that she is just a scared, insecure woman will be overwhelming.

She's done.

Sean McCorkle - The fact that some of you fuckers would make fun of her dad committing suicide is disgusting on a whole other level. I don't know Ronda, nor do I like or dislike her. But you losers talking about her dad are the only ones who need to commit suicide

This. wtf

Did Ronda give a post fight interview or did she bolt outta the cage?

SurgicalGloves - I actually am legitimately concerned for her mental health.

She had no business being in there tonight.

I agree with this completely. UFC tried to spin her hiding and self imposed seclusion into a case of extreme focus and determination. Non sens.e She is terrified and tormented by failure and the giant microscope that projects it across the world known as the media.

Dana White said he's her friend and yet he allowed a very tormented and damaged individual to get into a cage against the division's best striker, when she cannot defend strikes to save her life.

Most of us don't like Ronda, but I don't think most here seriously want to see her hurt. Dana White led her to slaughter. He sent her out there to fend for herself, knowing she is probably terrified of her own shadow

Powdered Toast Man -

Are you kidding?

laughing all the way to the bank

this was her last fight win lose or draw

Idk about laughing lol

Seriously though, I hope she's alright in that department. I know what that's like.

Sean McCorkle - The fact that some of you fuckers would make fun of her dad committing suicide is disgusting on a whole other level. I don't know Ronda, nor do I like or dislike her. But you losers talking about her dad are the only ones who need to commit suicide

one guy said something.

Pathetic, child like thread