Ronda Rousey BJJ BB?

I would have to see her in action. One on one. First her bottom game, then her top. Then in turtle. And yes, this would be nogi. After that, I would give her whatever belt she needed to put her pants back on. Phone Post

The skills sets between judo and Bjj are not that different. If one trains at a good judo school you learn all the same arm bars, chokes etc that you would at a Bjj school minus the latest sweeps etc.

Does she need to have a De La Riva guard to earn BB.

Several of her arm bars have been from the guard. Why would her guard work be in question? Phone Post

because there is a whole element to BJJ that differs from judo. Yes you learn the same submissions for the most, but the approach to deconstructing them in BJJ is usually more extensive. Add to this that transitions and counters in BJJ are a huge part of getting to BB.

Animal Mother - 
BJJWorkouts - The skills sets between judo and Bjj are not that different. If one trains at a good judo school you learn all the same arm bars, chokes etc that you would at a Bjj school minus the latest sweeps etc.

Does she need to have a De La Riva guard to earn BB.

Several of her arm bars have been from the guard. Why would her guard work be in question? Phone Post

This is ridiculous. I've manhandled Judo brown belts, and worked black belts as a blue in bjj. The curriculum is no where near the same. Phone Post

What country do you live in?

Your answer will determine the skill/teaching level of your BJJ relative to the Judo you have faced.

I train with Eastern European Judo players. Their ground skills are excellent. More basic than the latest Bjj fad techniques but solid.

Doesn't Ronda train with Eastern Europeans. Phone Post

BJJRoxy -
gusto - she would probably win her weight at worlds

In the black belt division? You are out of your mind. She probably wouldn't win her weight at purple or brown. Girls at Mundials at that level are all BJJ in the Gi, all the time. Girls would be stupid to stand with her and no one would. Phone Post

Cyborg won the worlds, primarily through superior wrestling.. Rousey would have a shot.
Would need to be really solid with foot and leg locks Offence and defence to hang at black belt or Adcc tho.

Plus, no offense, she is a 4th Dan and former elite level medallist In a martial art 20 times more competitive than BJJ, maybe she doesn't care too much about a BJJ belt? Phone Post

There's literally less than a handful of men in the USA that can qualify for the Olympic team since the hard requirement is X amount of international points. If you're smashing Travis Stevens or Nick Delpopolo then you're a pretty tough dude!

BJJWorkouts - 
FatBuddha - How would I rank her? White, until she learned the standing self defense techniques and the ground fundementals such as never turning your back, guard recomposition, back defense, etc. Of course her judo newaza skills could cause her to tap many bjj blackbelts, just like Mark Coleman's can opener neck crank, or a sambo masters leglocks.

Because BJJ Blackbelts never turtle up? I know many BJJ blackbelts that have no clue at all about standing self-defense.

I wouldn't promote them either.

I believe that rank should be based on ability and knowledge. She has great ability from some positions but is lacking in some fundamental knowledge. The specific knowledge I'm referring to is the knowledge of the fundamentals as taught by Helio Gracie. Others who have modified the original jiujitsu are free to promote how they choose.

You guys are gonna question Mestre Laranja's promotion? Carajo...

You all have big words for guys not wearing gis right now. Phone Post

Would be interested to see her caught in someone's guard. Most judokas have a weak passing game. Phone Post

"I wouldn't promote them either.

I believe that rank should be based on ability and knowledge. She has great ability from some positions but is lacking in some fundamental knowledge. The specific knowledge I'm referring to is the knowledge of the fundamentals as taught by Helio Gracie. Others who have modified the original jiujitsu are free to promote how they choose."


omoplautistic - 

Forgive my ignorance, but how much guard passing gets covered in judo? Phone Post

depends on the school. if it's not just tachiwaza, then it can be a lot. you could also email quincy.

Slickflow - I can't stand the chick but watch her roll with Eddie bravo, she does pretty well. Phone Post

He wasn't going hard Phone Post

She has no bjj rank and if she had on a belt its because it was needed for a photo op. Hell bjj guys wear mizuno black belts all the time and nobody thinks they are judo black belts, people are reading waaaaay too much into things.

And LOL @ someone saying she could not win her weight in a purple or brown division at the Mundials. She is an actual world class competitor with serious grappling skills. I am not handing her a gold medal automatically but you are a idiot if you think she could not be MORE than competitive at that level of competition which is tiny as shit as compared to judo.

checkuroil - 
Slickflow - I can't stand the chick but watch her roll with Eddie bravo, she does pretty well. Phone Post

He wasn't going hard Phone Post

That must have been a novel experience for him.

Animal Mother - 
Hunter V - She has no bjj rank and if she had on a belt its because it was needed for a photo op. Hell bjj guys wear mizuno black belts all the time and nobody thinks they are judo black belts, people are reading waaaaay too much into things.

And LOL @ someone saying she could not win her weight in a purple or brown division at the Mundials. She is an actual world class competitor with serious grappling skills. I am not handing her a gold medal automatically but you are a idiot if you think she could not be MORE than competitive at that level of competition which is tiny as shit as compared to judo.

So is Rick Hawn, just saying. Phone Post

I actually saw Rick competing at the Boston Open last year, think he was sporting a purple.

And btw, her mom and jimmy pedro released a book on groundfighting. Her mom is awesome at judo groundwork. 


Here a link, 10 bucks on kindle.

Stupid link. Its called "Winning on the ground"

JSho - 
BJJRoxy -
gusto - she would probably win her weight at worlds

In the black belt division? You are out of your mind. She probably wouldn't win her weight at purple or brown. Girls at Mundials at that level are all BJJ in the Gi, all the time. Girls would be stupid to stand with her and no one would. Phone Post

Cyborg won the worlds, primarily through superior wrestling.. Rousey would have a shot.
Would need to be really solid with foot and leg locks Offence and defence to hang at black belt or Adcc tho.

Plus, no offense, she is a 4th Dan and former elite level medallist In a martial art 20 times more competitive than BJJ, maybe she doesn't care too much about a BJJ belt? Phone Post

no shit. these people are fucking crazy.

wouldnt win her weight at purple belt? what a joke

Ronda's MMA skills are from her judo background and refined somewhat by her BJJ training. But I don't think she deserves BJJ rank. She specializes in arm bars which seems to give her credentials in BJJ. But it is her world class judo which is the foundation for all her wins. None of her competition has fought at the level she has to develope the defense and skills necessary to bear her. To me she would have to do like Travis Steven's and earn a brown belt like he did from Renzo Gracie for example. That way it is "legit" in the BJJ world. But you can't deny her skills and she could earn any belt in BJJ if she wanted to. But until then she doesn't deserve rank in BJJ.

How is her butterfly guard?