Rose Gracie, Daughter of UFC founder Rorion Gracie, calls lack of CTE awareness in MMA ‘Criminal Negligence’

Going back is a mess.

Going forward you educate your players on the risks and let adults make decisions for themselves.

We need to stop padding the world. Make sure people know what’s up and let them make up their own minds.

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This forum is so negative. It’s like some people are so unhappy in life all they can do is spew negativity. :rofl:

On topic: the more attention that is brought to the CTE issue, the more likely research will increase and potential of treatment/mitigation will arise.

The fact that you don’t think this super hot topic of the last 8 years is getting attention and lots of research says all that is needed about you.

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The fact you think an issue that’s been getting attention getting more attention is somehow a reason to react negatively, says all that is needed about you.

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Guaranteed these NFL and High school and college players know whats up

Yes. It’s great.

I am glad Rose Gracie has finally brought attention to this huge discovery of hers after her years of research.

Positivity for all!

I think CTE is something everyone is aware of but tries not to think about because they believe eventually a solution will come along.

The solution is to get back to the roots of mma. No gloves , no pressure on fighters to put on a war for the fans. More emphasis on using your martial art or fighting style to win in the most efficient way possible while taking the least amount of damage

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I dont give a fuck about a solution. I prefer my fighters to stumble and mumble a lot later in their careers so I can feel superior because I dont have thinky pains in my nog nog.

[quote=“Steven_McTowelie, post:26, topic:3700888, full:true”]

Hopefully you feel better.

This could potentially help in avoidance of CTE, but I don’t see the UFC ever getting rid of gloves.


CTE is bad. Rose is a cunt. Fuck her. She should leave another husband when he gets cancer. Cunt

Who honestly give a shit what she thinks. Go model some more.

Takes one look, yep that’s Rose Gracie. Haha!

The answer is MASTERLUKEY

She’s a terrible fucking person. A complete fucking cunt. Left Javi right after he got cancer.

You think old school mma is the answer? Maybe if the fighters from the first couple of ufc didn’t have any problems with CTE but those guys were getting concussions and brain damage too. This was going on even back then. We just don’t see a lot of fighters after they retires its easy to turn a blind eye to.

The only solution is to stop getting hit in the head. The brain was not designed to take repeated blows and be bouncing around inside your skull.

A more important question is what is up with Rose’s face? It looks like she has the mumps. She got that robert z’dar chin.

Please don’t hurt me Javi Vasquez.

Whorian and Hoes

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Okay, that actually made me laugh out loud.