rotator cuff tendonitis

i have gone to an ortho/PT. both said its rc tendonitis.
i cant seem to shake it. anybody else deal with it?
do yo have any remedies, techniques, witch docotor stuff I could give a try? taking way longer then i thought it would to go away.

it never truly goes away



Go see a Physical Therapist for exercises specific for your injury. There are 4 muscles that make up the rotator cuff plus the long head of the bicep (common source of a misdiagnosis) chances are they are not all inflamed at the same time.

i am currently seeing a PT. has me doing some excercises.
just wanted to know if you guys had any other reccomendations.

I have swithced to an "anti-inflammatory" diet.
taking lots of fish/olive/flax oil.

Is PT and motrin 800 the only way to treat shoulder/knee inflammation?

I got bursitis in my shoulder and Pt and anti-inflammatories is all I keep hearing.

I'm an old hand at tendonitis.  Had it in both knees, heels, hand, rotator cuff.

The key. . .THE KEY to getting better is to NOT do anything that aggravates it.  It will NOT get better if you're continually aggravating it.  That being said, I think a sports medicine Dr. told me that it will not really cause damage to aggravate it, it'll just continue to hurt.

That doesn't mean that you have to be sedentary.  Just do other exercises that don't cause aggravation.  The rotator cuff can be tough, because so many things are done with your shoulders and it's a tougher area to ice down, but you should be able to find something that doesn't hurt it.  Continue doing your PT exercises.  The omega-3s you're taking may help.  Anecdotally, they've helped me and I think there is some evidence that they have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

I personally stay way from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.  I've read some bad things about them when you take them regularly.

I would recommend warming up the inflamed area prior to exercising with heat.  I like to use a removable shower head and run hot water over the area when I'm in the shower.  Then ice the area after working out, even if you're not feeling that much pain that day. 

Also, a PT that has posted here before recommended icing the area down right before bedtime.  I feel this worked for me too, for what it's worth.

speaking of NSAIDs...
I got an ulcer from taking them at the start of this disaster.

That's certainly one of the problems.  I've also read that they can inhibit muscle growth after exercise.

yea i heard about that being a possible side effect.
i had taken them before w/o complications.
i was working a lot that week and i think the strees plus the pills is what caused t

find an ART provider; ...unfortunately the only providers listed on the site are the ones that attend the annual renewal seminars. I had one do some miracles on my left shoulder...I plan on seeing one again soon for hip problems. It took 8 sessions, I started feeling better after the first one...

preferrably try to find a provider that is a chiropractor with ART training; I have more confidence in their understanding of biomechanics than a massage therapist or family physician.

Great answer psfjkd.

I had exactly the same injury and it felt like it would not heal for a long time.

I think the trick is to let the area rest for a while.

I stopped boxing and lifting for a good 4 months. ?n the beginning it was hurting while holding the stirring wheel, but slowly the pain started diminishing. Very slowly though. V E R Y S L O W L Y ...

Do you get it?

The keyword here is patience.

Then I slowly started working out again. With very light weights, many repetitions. Now after 3 months, I am about 75 80 percent healthy again. But I keep staying carefull about it. No more deep dips, no very wide grip heavy bench press. And I keep getting stronger everyday.

So, It will heal for sure, just be compassionate to it. Literrally, and soo it will heal.

But I keep staying carefull about it.

That's VERY IMPORTANT to prevent messing it up again.  Listen to your body (this is one of the hardest things to do, BTW.  Took me years to learn how to do it). 

If you feel a twinge like you're gonna tweak it. . .STOP!!!  Better to lose one workout then try to push thru it and start back at square one again.

Thanks for all the tips guys! Both my rotator cuffs are messed up and taking forever to heal! It is sooo difficult to stay away from training.

I had a question - what do you guys think about the BodyBlade as a rehab device? Worth it or waste of money???

Thanks for any/all input!

this stuff never really goes away. What I do is I work it out with swimming twice or three times a week. This gives it a full workout and prevents any further damage.

There are a lot of people here who have had success with Scott Sonnon's Warrior Wellness.  Make a thread or go to the Sonnon forum and ask.

^^^^^^ Thanks, I will surely look into it