ROTR WW Tourney Who Wins?

8 Man Welterweight Tournament:

Jake Shields vs Dave Menne - Sheilds
Renato "Charuto" Verissimo vs Carlos Condit - Verrisimo
Anderson Silva vs Yushin Okami - Silva
Frank Trigg vs Ronald "Machine Gun" Jhun - Trigg

I see either Anderson Silva or Jake Shields winning the tourney. Who are your picks?


i dont see anyone stopping him

i think Silva has a shot, but his ground game is lacking and will be his demise vs someone like Trigg

Trigg will GnP his way to the tourney win

i like Shields aswell, but i dont think he can hang with Trigg either

should be a great tourney


Charuto or shields i say

Shields will beat Menne. Verissimo will beat Condit. Silva will beat Okami. Trigg will beat Jhun.

Verissimo will beat Shields. Silva will bet Trigg.

Silva will beat Verissimo.

Trigg or Silva


I'll pick Frank Trigg

Verissimo could win it, but his conditioning su@ks for 3 fights in one night...

tourney is not happening all in one night...
only one fight per night...
jan. 20th is just the first round...

that being said... :-)

"tourney is not happening all in one night...
only one fight per night...
jan. 20th is just the first round..."

I didn't know that, lame.

RAZE that is a SICK design for the new CHARUTO shirt!!!!


Shields da Man!!

Shields da Man!!



Shields or Trigg

It's illegal to fight more than once per night in the US, altho I could be wrong.

Would be cool to see Menne make a comeback.

" It's illegal to fight more than once per night in the US, altho I could be wrong"

What about K1 in Vegas, they fight more than once