Boxing Incorporated will be hosting a Roy Harris NO-GI Seminar on December 3, 2011. The Seminar will begin at 3 pm. Mr. Harris will be teaching bent arm locks.
Boxing Inc. is located at 6121 E. Broadway Blvd #154 Tucson, AZ. This is just north of the Park Place Mall. The cost of the seminar is $50.00 and will be collected at the door, on the day of the seminar.
If anyone has any questions please contact me at
Thank you
I'm going to try and make this one being in ABQ it's the closest I think Roy Harris has been so I'm going to try and take advantage of it.
All the way from the ABQ! That's awesome hope to see you there.
Car trouble so I wasn't able to make it:( Maybe next time!
It happens. I'm sure Mr. Harris will be back this way again.
I hope you got the car trouble straightend out. Sorry to hear about that.
Thanks again for hosting the seminar! I had a great time!
I look forward to coming back this summer.