Thought this was sick. Blue please
Wowza that shit was crazy.
Watch double end bag work. Starts at 3:15
Best Roy jones Highlight there is
I remember that Paz fight.... lots of trash talking leading up to it... RJJ beat the hell outta him
All of the people that bitch, and moan about Anderson Silva doing this shit in the ring, and nobody cries about RJJ doing it...
mma interpreter -Wow incredible
for OP

BillyRayChubbs -All of the people that bitch, and moan about Anderson Silva doing this shit in the ring, and nobody cries about RJJ doing it...
RJJ is is one of my favorite boxers of all time. Now people see why I am a huge fan of Anderson
That was a sick highlight op VTFU
Been posted before, but one of my all time favourite highlights
One of fav boxers, this why I love watching Anderson fight too
Dark Legion -Awesome..VTFU!
Best Roy jones Highlight there is

^that ones better