Roy Nelson: Cormier is an "Uncle Tom"

Ariel: What do you think of when he says he wants to "kick your ass FOR Dana White" as sort of a hired gun?

Having a lot of black friends, they would say that would be an uncle tom move.


Oh god. Is this what this forum has come down too. Trying to see how many UFC fighters can get suspended by speaking their mind.....

I have a lot of fat friends so I can dig it. Phone Post 3.0

Wow. He's gonna catch hell for that comment.


Lol that is so bad..

Really fucking tasteless


that's racist

Fucking UG blog with their made-up titles... Phone Post 3.0

In. So, so in Phone Post

ShaqNoob - Fucking UG blog with their made-up titles... Phone Post 3.0
Derp, it was so bad I thought this was the work of the UG blog. Phone Post 3.0

ShaqNoob - Fucking UG blog with their made-up titles... Phone Post 3.0
I agree. They did change the tone of the quote. What he said want appropriate but he hardly called him an Uncle Tom. Phone Post 3.0

So... how does this go? Do we suspend everyone that makes derogatory comments or just say fuck it 'The opinions expressed are those providing them and not those of the network...'? I prefer the second option. Phone Post 3.0


I gotta say, i did lol. Phone Post

modestoMMAfan - that's racist

Lol not racist hilarious and the truth.

A white guy hiring a black guy to beat up another white guy. Isn't that what a black guy would call an uncle Tom? Roy seems right here.

Christ.. he trying to get released?

Using that term is just asking for it. Use some common sense, FFS.

Can't wait to hear what Cormier has to say back.

It's almost like Roy knows he might not be coming back to the UFC or something...