Roy's face is priceless
Well that was awkward, but awesome haha
Goofy Ron Kruck tweeted it was his daughter also.
Hahaha the person in the back. "was it the hair?" No shit, if the kid had a Mohawk I'm sure he wouldn't have made that mistake
That got super awkward though.
Honest mistake and the kid could not care less. No harm, no foul.
Nice titties on the dad.
That happaned to my friends son all the time before he took the clippers to it. His hair was blonde and kind of long like that too.
In for later
turdboy - Nice titties on the dad.hahahaha you dick

Told some guy he couldn't bring his daughter in a bar I was working at. He got all huffy and said it was a he. I told him he was still a shit parent, and ended up getting in a fight with him in front of his son.
Lol. Oops.
ImStillHereChief - Told some guy he couldn't bring his daughter in a bar I was working at. He got all huffy and said it was a he. I told him he was still a shit parent, and ended up getting in a fight with him in front of his son.Hahahaha

ieatbieberfaeces -ImStillHereChief - Told some guy he couldn't bring his daughter in a bar I was working at. He got all huffy and said it was a he. I told him he was still a shit parent, and ended up getting in a fight with him in front of his son.Hahahaha
LMAO, oh man i wish i was there to hear and see that shit! was his daugther, i mean son screaming for you to stop beating on his dad or what?
Well if your kid has long ass hair people will think they're a girl
x FOX x - Well if your kid has long ass hair people will think they're a girl.

ImStillHereChief - Told some guy he couldn't bring his daughter in a bar I was working at. He got all huffy and said it was a he. I told him he was still a shit parent, and ended up getting in a fight with him in front of his son.That's quite the dick move
I have people try to bring their kids into my bad all the time and I tell them it's not allowed. I wouldn't dream of traumatizing a kid who already has a clearly fucked childhood anymore by beating up his dad in front of them.

JonJonesBreaksPregnantWomen'sBones -.x FOX x - Well if your kid has long ass hair people will think they're a girl.

Someonestolemysocks -Yeah well this guy is a tough guy though. You know, he saw a chance to pump himself up a bit in a thread which had nothing to do with the subject.ImStillHereChief - Told some guy he couldn't bring his daughter in a bar I was working at. He got all huffy and said it was a he. I told him he was still a shit parent, and ended up getting in a fight with him in front of his son.That's quite the dick move
I have people try to bring their kids into my bad all the time and I tell them it's not allowed. I wouldn't dream of traumatizing a kid who already has a clearly fucked childhood anymore by beating up his dad in front of them.
The "in" was to say that he mistook a son for a daughter which happens all the time when parents let their little boys have long hair.
The REAL reason that Mr. Hard Guy posted was to let us know that he is a tough guy who fought the dad in front of the kid.
Of course, we all know that a REAL tough guy would never disrespect the parent/child dynamic by fighting the dad in front of the kid. Even if the dad was an ass.
Mr Tough Guy doesn't play that way, he goes for the kill at all times because he is so tough. In my opinion, grown men who can't diffuse a volatile situation are weak minded. And the weak minded are usually bullies. The father was probably a weaker person and Mr. Tough Guy had to show his "toughness" in front of a kid who will remember this for life.
In Detroit, we call guys like this "crackerjack hard guys ". They don't last long around here.

JonJonesBreaksPregnantWomen'sBones -x FOX x - Well if your kid has long ass hair people will think they're a girl.
long ass hair?