hes coming to my gym tommmorro will post pictures and other things
Ask him if he'll give me a blue belt for a 1000 bucks.
http://twitter.com/PublicInDaUG/status/299335665143910400/photo/1 one pic of me with Royce the rest are on the team roc Fayetteville Facebook page. I like a jack ass had no clean gi so am the only one not wearing a gi in the photos. Luckly one of the guys had a usmc top for me too roll in. And yes it did rain blues on those white belts that have been training for 1 year
He's been doing it forever and I guess people who host him know he tends to do it.
Really? I thought he had stopped doing that.
Are you really going to be like, "No, Royce Gracie, I'll decide when that particular person has reached the Blue Belt level...."
most ppl would love a blue belt from royce.you walk on the mat with a white belt.the blue is no big deal
The way my old instructor did it, Royce would ask him in advance which guys to look at for promotion. It wasn't exactly arbitrary. Lots of times, Royce would get to know the guys because he came around a few times per year. And I don't know what the $1000 comment is about, because he never charged for promotion.
When i was under that org. yrs. ago, it was kind of understood that a new blue belt meant next to nothing. But then you could be in that belt for a looong time. Purple belts were like unicorns in those days.
It's the equivalent to a yellow belt in any other martial art. It's a beginner rank. I think people put way too much into it.
This is how it is. New blue under royce only means you've learned how to learn. Purples under Royce are beasts. A Royce black belt is a killer.
True on that last comment. I was a RG blue belt for 7 years before purple happened.
Absolutely my experience regarding Royce belts/ promotion. It takes a long time to a purple, longer for brown, and black belt has taken several people I know of about 15 years (note: they were training consistently during that time and most were teaching).
UNIFIEDTEAM1 - When i was under that org. yrs. ago, it was kind of understood that a new blue belt meant next to nothing. But then you could be in that belt for a looong time. Purple belts were like unicorns in those days.
It's the equivalent to a yellow belt in any other martial art. It's a beginner rank. I think people put way too much into it.
yep,and n a new blue belt anyway,you could sit at that belt for 4 yrs
Somebody needs to explain to this Royce guy what time it is.
I don't really understand the attitude people have for Royce. Obviously his schools and students aren't traditionally sport BJJ players. But I don't see anybody questioning his upper belts. All I ever read or hear is that he gives out blue belts fairly quickly. (I know this isn't currently his style) but even If he does give out blue belts, SO WHAT? Who really cares about blue belts anyway? Any newish blue is hard to differentiate from a seasoned white belt anyway. The facts are obvious though.... Royce blue belts stay at blue for a long time. Most 3-4 stripe RG blues wreck other teams purples and some browns. There's not a single RG brown or black belt that isn't a BJJ sport and self defense machine. I'd rather be training under a guy that has the reputation of being loose with blue belt promotions than handing out black belts to people that can't fight their way out of a paper bag. Royce isn't a sport bjj legend but there's no doubt his upper belts are legit. I'm proud to be in royces lineage and even though seminars may be focused on self defense, the guy deserves respect. Also, standing wrist locks are cool to learn just in case a guy in a bar grabs my titty and I need to self defense that asshole.
I am a Royce black belt. I trained with Pat Hardy. I received all my belts from Royce.
It took me 15 years.
I was a blue belt for five and a half years. I actually replaced my blue belt twice because it was getting thread bare.