Six videos in total on youtube. just follow along..
lol @ speedos and shoes. Was their any explanation fot the shoes when Rickson was talking at the beginning?
i still have that on video.
can't believe I watched the whole thing
i'm still not clear why eugenio stopped
anybody take a shot on how old royler is there?
Thankfully I've never had to put a guy in a speedo in my guard.
my eyes, my eyes....
I think I am going to rock tighty whites with those snazzy white boots next time I train sans gi.
Fixed because I am slow on the uptake.
Sweety, tighty whites on VHS. Sounds fabolously ghey.
I asked Royler about it, he said he was young. Eighteen, if I remember correctly.
yeah Royler was 18
Ricksons speech after the fight was about "how this is how men handle their issues" or something to that nature. I don't understand much portugese but I remember having a brazilian translate some of it years ago and I think that's what he came up with.
"how this is how men handle their issues"
by fighting in underwear and wrestling boots?
what the fuck were they fighting about?
i like how the other guy was all lubed (and we though GSP was bad lol)
I also have this on VHS. Can anyone translate Rickson's speach at the end?
was this before there fight in 97?
I think I just caught gay.