ill keep this really short,some guy was telling me that its more effective for self-defense than japanese judo, excuse my ignorance but i have no idea if this is true or not .so who wants to take this one?
i dont see how that is possibly true. judo is judo.. the differences between russian judo and japanese judo would have absoltely no effect on either being applied in SD.
besides that.. it isnt as if you can go to a russian judo club or a japanese judo club. judo is judo in the USA.. there are some coaches who teach a bit more tradiitonally as far as grips and throws go and there are others who are a bit more progressive..
May come from the fact that Russian Judo was heavily influenced by SAMBO which literaly translates to sefl defence without weapons. Thus theoretically making it better in sd situations. Also russian judo uses a good number of belt throws which are available in 99% of cases in self defence. Unless you fighing someone in speedos.
judo influenced sambo as much as the reverse.. has to be becuase if you look at the two sports they are pretty pretty close to identical with the throws and how the theory of ippon exists.
judo IS the modern version of japanese jj (which is pretty much regarded as the front-runner in unarmed combat). i dont see how anything that is derived from judo is necessarily going to be better at teaching SD than the principles already laid down in judo.
Cause they were assembled with that spicific purpose in mind? And yup. SAMBO was influence by judo then came back to olympic judo and influenced it back.