Ryan Jimmo died 6 years ago


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Yikes yes that was definitely an autocorrect mistake and not some cruel joke

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Totally didn’t know remember that he was a contestant on TUF 8 (Ryan Bader one)

And see he has a win ove Hick Houfus

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“Eventually on November 26, 2018, Getschel pleaded guilty to manslaughter and hit and run,[37] and he was sentenced to eight years in prison in a Canadian courthouse on December 3, 2018.”

8 years? That’s it? Fuck off. That’s not justice.


And I wonder if he will serve all 8yrs.

Or do Canadian prisons let prisoners out early for “good behaviour”

I hope the cunt gets raped and dies slowly from his rape penetration injuries

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That event took place across the bridge from me, Drew Fickett was on the card also.

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The post is just to promote a fight. It’s all money bullshit.

Seriously is this a Jimmo thread or about the wackass rematch between Pena and Nunes?



Scum bag plugging his website

RIP Jimmo.

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This is a Jimmy thread!!!

Have some Respect ppl!!!

The bald guy on the left is forum member “The Cube” he was Joe Riggs manager at one time.

Jimmo shown below.


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WTF happened in the OP?

Started out great then became text vomit.

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