Samoans not into Boxing or MMA?!

Go to a Ufc card in Oz or NZ. They're into it

Most Samoans are into rugby

Samoa -
JitznPound -

Samoans love beer and food, they don't like to live a disciplined life Blame thier culture. 

If you understood Faasamoa you would have a different concept of Samoans being disciplined. But it’s complicated to understand. 

Ive never even heard of that. Explain a little

Region Rat - 
Samoa -
JitznPound -

Samoans love beer and food, they don't like to live a disciplined life Blame thier culture. 

If you understood Faasamoa you would have a different concept of Samoans being disciplined. But it’s complicated to understand. 

Ive never even heard of that. Explain a little

Fa’asamoa essentially means “Samoan way” or style. I don’t know how exactly to define it but here are some examples:

When a loved one passes away and you are a kid, you can be packed up and sent to the house of he loved one to do all the feau (chores) so that family can mourn and prepare for the services. You could be there for weeks. You sleep wherever the family puts you. You and whatever other kids were sent there don’t say shit, you do the feau until you are sent home.

When you are talking to your boys you say things like “Kalofa o a mai lou makua?” meaning “Hello, how are your elders?” If you address elders you would change the K’s to T’s and it the sentence would change to “Talofa lau susuga. O a mai lou matua”. That is a shitty example but it gives you a sense of how you address your buddies vs elders.

If you meet someone your age you would ask them what their name is by saying “O ai lou igoa?” If you meet an elder or a person of higher respect level it would be “O ai lou suafa?” Suafa is the respectful term. But you wouldn’t use “Suafa” for yourself. You would say “O lo’u igoa (not suafa) Tama”.

You go to church. You learn verses in Samoan whether you speak Samoan or not. Every kid that doesn’t speak Samoan fears Lotu Tamai’iti. That is the day of children’s service and all the kids recite there verses in Samoan.

When a family member or loved one passes away the family gives money. Fa’alavelave process is just done; it isn’t questioned. Everyone gives.

When you enter a room you greet every elder in the room with a hug and a kiss. When you leave you say goodbye to ever elder with a hug and a kiss.

When you walk in front of a seated elder or in front of someone talking you say “Tulou” (with respect, excuse me).

There are so many parts of Fa’asamoa, don’t eat standing is one, that it’s impossible to explain on a message board.

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Isn’t UFC fighter Justin Tafa Samoan? He’s got a brother in Glory Kickboxing as well I think?

Tafa is Samoan. Tuivasa, Whittaker, Holloway, Tyson Pedro, Ben Sosoli, Andre Fili…I’m sure there are more.

Tua, Hunt , Solei Pele or some shit, John Matua,

Samoa - Tafa is Samoan. Tuivasa, Whittaker, Holloway, Tyson Pedro, Ben Sosoli, Andre Fili..........I'm sure there are more.

Mike Perry

PoopingTom - 

David Tua was.

If Tua got with a good Mma camp, what could prime Tua do in current Mma? Would he be crushing guys like Ngannou and Lewis?

ons ear -
PoopingTom - 

David Tua was.

If Tua got with a good Mma camp, what could prime Tua do in current Mma? Would he be crushing guys like Ngannou and Lewis?

I think any prime elite boxer would do very well in mma if they focused on it. Elite athleticism translates. 

PoopingTom -

David Tua was.

He's not anymore?

kungfugrip -
PoopingTom -

David Tua was.

He's not anymore?

Yeah, he stopped being Samoan a few years back. He’s something else these days.

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