Original article here - https://canadianmmalawblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/saskathewan-pro-mma-rules.pdf
With the recent creation of the Saskatchewan Athletics Commission and with the Province set to host their first UFC event in August, 2015 the SAC has now finalized their professional MMA Rules.
I have obtained a copy and you can access these here –https://canadianmmalawblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/saskathewan-pro-mma-rules.pdf
The rules largely mirror the so-called unified rules of MMA with few changes. Some of the highlights are as follows – The conventional weight classes are used from Flyweight to Super Heavyweight Weigh ins must take place 24-30 hours pre event
The one pound weight allowance for non title matches is in force
Flyweight ad Bantamweight fighters cannot have a difference of more than three pounds between contestants
Featherweight, Lightweight and Welterweight fighters cannot have a difference of more than five pounds between contestants
Remaining weight classes cannot have a difference of more than 7 pounds between contestants (but the commission has the discretion to deviate from this restriction)
a one hour grace period is in place for fighters who fail to make weight on their first attempts
The commission does have the discretion to allow catch weight events
One day elimination tournaments are prohibited
A minimum 14 day suspension is in place for all contestants and for those who fight a 4th or 5th round this is increased to 21 days Events can take place in a ring or cage
Rounds must be between 3-5 minutes in length
The 10 point must system is adopted
The WADA Prohibited list is adopted with the AC having drug testing abilities and the language appears broad enough to allow both in and out of competition testing