just give me a time Leif:
i have one word for you........gay!!!
I have one word for you, personal trainer this sunday at 12 PM, boxing. Okay, that's like seven words.
Affliction Baby!!!! Plus, muscle memory is a great thing.
you going to the Bay sat night?
Blazer looks like one of the bad guys on Fast and the Furious. Freaking Chinaman.
nice beamer, wanna race?
"If we were in Hong Kong, you'd be dead right now."
- not the FandF
Hey, is anyone training tomorrow? I just got my Sirius gi, and I want to choke someone out with it...
Strangle, if you're going to be there tomorrow don't let me forget to give you your shirt, it's in my car.
Anyone else catch the fact that Seth is leaving his clothes behind in guys cars again?
NO training today as Spartans went to Mobile for Adrian ane DJ's fights. I was going to open it up, but Luan and I saw IRONMAN instead!!!! Just wish the Paparazzi would leave me alone for a good day or week